Someday Your Prince Will Be In Effect

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Sorry for this chapter I couldn't think of anything for Zora to do

Zora POV

Today was Halloween as I was at the Banks house. Carlton and I walked downstairs and saw Will reading a magazine

"Asking out magazines, Will? I don't know. Even paper products have some standards." Carlton said

"What's that, Jody? Oh. Oh, no. That's as tall as he'll ever be." Will said

"Hilary, you know I don't like wearing costumes." Mr. Banks said as Hilary, Mr. Banks, Mrs. Banks, and Ashley walked into the living room

"But, dad, I'm coming to Hilary's party as a ballerina." Ashley told him

"Well, that's the one thing I wanted to come as. And it's taken? Tsk! So sorry." He said sarcastically

"Please, daddy, I want my Halloween party to turn out really good. Couldn't you wear like a very tailored clown suit or something?" Hilary asked

"Come on, Uncle Phil, man, you just throw a hairpiece on and come as Mr. T." Will said

"Yeah, dad. We're all wearing costumes." Carlton told him

"I have some bad news for both of you.
You're not invited." Hilary told Will and Carlton

"Why not?" Will asked

"Every time I have a party, you spend all night trying to hit on my girlfriends." Hilary told them

"Wait a minute, Hilary. Everyone in the family is invited. Besides, I'm sure Carlton.and Will have dates." Mrs. Banks said

"Oh, yeah, yeah, of course." They both said

"Huh! Well, I guess all things are possible." I said

"We better get going. I need to get my costume and the mall closes in eight hours." Hilary said grabbing Ashley's hand

"Well, we all need costumes. Let's go.
Won't this be fun?" Mrs. Banks said

"No." Mr. Banks said

"Come on, Philip. Get in the Halloween spirit." She said

"Boo." He said as they left the living room

"So are you coming tonight Zora" Hilary asked me

"I don't know parties aren't really my scene" I told her

"But you have to come. Somebody has to keep those two in check" she said pointing to Will and Carlton

"I'll think about it" I said as she walked out the living room

"So, what's that, Carlton? Uh..You do not have a date for tonight." Will said

"Like you do? Who are you taking? Uh, page 42?" Carlton asked picking up the magazine

"Carlton, all I have to do is walk in a mall and I get any girl I want. It's the law of nature. It's called the survival
of the handsomest." Will told him

"Will, I don't even have to step into the mall. Girls surround me in the parking lot and rip the doors off my car." Carlton told him

"Things sre about to get stupid real quick" I mumbled

"Would you like to put your money where your mouth is?" Will asked

"Ah, a betting man." Carlton said

"There it is" I mumbled

"I bet you that I get a date.....and you don't." Will told him

"This is a sucker bet, Will. Within an hour, I'll have a gorgeous date and a great Halloween costume." Carlton told him

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