Something for Nothing

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Zora POV

I was in the kitchen with Ashley helping her with her homework when Will walked in

"Man, yo, I ain't played ball that hard since I left Philly, man. Oh, well, that dude was no joke, man. I ain't never playing with him
again. Well, he was pushin' me around and shovin' me and kickin' me and all that stuff, man. Yo, dude was a monster." Will said as he drunk some orange juice when Ramon, a little kid from the neighborhood walked in

"Hey, I thought you wanted a rematch." He asked as I got up to go get some juice

"Forget it, man. Go pick on somebody your own size." Will told him

"Will I think you dropped something" I told him

"What" he asked looking around

"Your manhood" I told him sipping my juice as I laughed

"Oh you think you got jokes" he said as he wrapped his arms around me and started messing up my hair

"Will stop you know how long it takes to do my hair" I said laughing

"Hi, Ashley." Ramon said walking up to her but she didn't look up from her homework

"Hi, Ramon." She said

"Say, I've got a half peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich in my pocket with your name on it!" He said as I smiled at him

"Kid has no game" Will told md

"I don't know if some gave me food I'd be ready for marriage" I said laughing

"No. No, thanks." Ashley told him

"You want to see my frog?" He asked as she looked disgusted

"I think I'll pass." She said as she got up and walked out the kitchen

"Well I guess class dismissed" I yelled as Will and I went sit down

"Zora do you want to see my frog" he asked walking up to me

"You just asked Ashley" I told him this little two timer

"Yeah but I'm over her. Now I'm looking at an Angel" he told me as I laughed sarcastically

"Yeah no" I said

"Man, those lines kill on the jungle gym." He said

"It's killin' me how much you remind me of myself." Will told him

"Why? 'Cause we're both down with B-ball?" Ramon asked

"Well, no, 'cause don't nobody want to see my frog neither." Will said

"Nobody still wants to see your frog" I told him

"See, man, one day Ashley and Zora going to be breaking down my door 'cause I'm savin' money for basketball camp. Next thing you know, I'll be playin' pro. You know, my motto, keep your eyes on the prize." Ramon said

"Oh, man, that's kind of similar to my motto.
Keep your hands on their thighs." Will said as I rolled my eyes as his watch beeped

"Time to go help mom wash Mr. Steinberg's windows. Peace." He said

"Hey, be cool, babe." Will told him

"Bye Ramon" i said

"Oh, by the way, G. She tell me to tell you "Hello." Ramon said

"Really?" Geoffrey asked

"Nah. I just wanted to watch.the earl grey
run through your veins." He said as Will amd I laughed as he left

Zora Allen (Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air)Where stories live. Discover now