Eyes on the Prize

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Zora POV

"Good morning, I tried to call you guys but the phone wasn't working" I said walking into the Banks house as everyone looked at Mr. Banks

"Will everyone get off my back?" Mr. Banks yelled

"Zee" Will yelled running up hugging me as I laughed and hugged him back as Hilary came hug me too

"I'm so glad you're back. It's been boring without you" Will told me

"We should have a spa day" Hilary told me as I nodded

"We should" I told her

"Anyone what's for breakfast because I am starving" I asked looking into the pot on the stove as everyone stared at me

"Why is everyone looking at me like that" I asked

"Well we haven't seen you in weeks" Will told me. It's the first time I've been out the house since Neil's death but I'm fine

"Are you okay" Hilary asked as I smiled. The Banks' have been calling me and checking on me but they decided it's best to give me my spacec

"I'm fine" I told them as Mr. Banks walked up to me hugging me

"Honey its okay to not be okay" Mr. Banks told me as I forced my smile wider

"But I'm fine. I'm smiling. See" I said showing my teeth when Mrs. Banks walked in

"Well, I just called the repairman from the car phone. They can't come out until tomorrow." Mrs Banks said walking into the kitchen then noticed me

"Zora, honey you're back."  She said hugging me

"Are you okay? You know you can talk to me about anything right" she asked as I nodded

"I'm fine. Will you guys stop smothering me" I asked as I went sit down at the table

"No phone service for 24 hours? This is a nightmare. I mean, it's like we've vanished
off the face of the Earth" Hilary said

"Don't be so dramatic, Hilary." Mr. Banks said getting up

"Hey, she's not being dramatic. Jimmie Walker's phone went out for 24 hours in the late 70s and, hey, well, y'all know the rest." Will said flipping through his book

"The phones are still out. Excuse my language, dad, but it's got to be said.."Carlton said walking into the kitchen when Mr. Banks glared at him

"I'm behind you, big guy." He told him when he noticed me and came hug me

"Zora you back. Are you okay?" Carlton asked as I nodded. He kissed my head and rubbed my back when Ashley walked in

"Mom, Cathy's line is busy. Can I have the keys so I can drive the phone over to her house?" Ashley asked

"Sure, honey, in four years. I'm sure the phone will still be broken." Mrs. Banks yelled the last part to her husband

"Zo you're back. I missed you" Ashley said hugging me as I hugged her back

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me. When I win that
brand-new Corvette I'm gonna have a phone on the dash leather on the seats, and Halle Berry on my lap." Will said wrapping his arms around me and Ashley's shoulders

"I can't believe you're gonna be on "Double Trouble." Ashley said

"You're gonna be on Double Trouble? That is so cool." I told him

"Double Trouble?" Are you nuts? You want to embarrass yourself in front of the entire country for a lifetime supply of Alberto VO5?" Carlton asked

"What you talking about, man? It ain't embarrassing. All I gotta do is answer a couple questions and let my partner squirt
some stuff all over me." Will explained

Zora Allen (Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air)Where stories live. Discover now