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Sherlock was in his flat with John helping him pack up what little belongings he had. John was finally moving in with Mary so that they could have a drama free life together, well as drama free as it could get with Sherlock Holmes as a friend.
Most of what John had was little keepsakes he had collected over the year. The cane that John's doctor gave him was tucked under his bed covered in dust. As well as an ashtray he stole from Buckingham Palace, Sherlock would be keeping this. He also had an assortment of clothes and war memorabilia from the past, all of which Sherlock helped him pack away.

In the end of it all of John's belongings fit nicely in 3 boxes. They weren't heavy either, made it easier to take all 3 boxes down the stairs to the curb where Mary would be in approximately 5 minutes, 8.36 if there was any traffic.

"You could just all move in with me you know, studies have shown the closer a child is to their godparents the least likely they are to kill them." Sherlock stated to John as he said his goodbyes.

" You made that up didn't you?" John replied looking up to his friend.

"Just because I say something that you can't comprehend doesn't mean it's not true." Sherlock responded taking a cinnamon stick out of his pocket and sticking it between his lips.
Sherlock was the best at finding the truth, just not the best at concealing it himself.
"Whatever happened to the gum?", John replied trying to keep the torturous conversation alive.

"Lost its flavor too fast, and the sticks are more similar to what I'm trying to give up."

"But you gave up smoking months ago. I haven't seen chewing or that either."

"Well maybe I'm just trying something different ." Sherlock said defensively, trying to cover the fact that he was going to miss the doctor.
"I'll miss you to Sherly, I'm only a cabs ride away if you need me. I know you won't though." For a doctor John had his moments of wit that Sherlock never could wrap his thumb around.

Mary pulled up and popped the trunk open giving Sherlock a good view of his God Daughter. He couldn't help but release a smile that caused the little cherub to giggle. He watched as John loaded the boxes in to the car, hoping that he forgot something, hoping that he would change his mind and stay with him and his family. Sherlock was smart enough however to know that hope was just a construct of the mind that humans made to make it so that life was actually worth living.

John closed the door and then opened the passenger side door before looking back at Sherlock one more time.

"Remember, just one ride away, or a call in that matter." John said extending his hand for a goodbye, which Sherlock took and was then pulled into a hug by John.
John let him go and jumped in the car with Mary, he waved goodbye all while Sherlock was recovering from the hug.
As John went away to his new future, Sherlock staid still in his present. He needed to busy his mind, and the cinnamon stick he just dropped from his mouth was no help. He stepped in side his now empty flat, and went over to John's now empty room. No trace of him left, as if he was all a figment of his imagination.
No! He couldn't go down that road again, last time he even questioned his mind he died. He wouldn't go down that road again, never again.

That singular memory is one of many his mind has repressed, his sister unearthed the one about his younger brother. That was one of the most painful moments he would let his mind release.

He didn't want to relive the Russian compound, back when he had no control.
"Sherlock dear? There's a package for you!", Ms Hudson hollered.

"Did u put it through the metal detector, and let fluffy sniff it?" Sherlock responded as he went down the stairs to the waiting package.

"Of course dear, do I look like a ninny?", she responded as she handed it to him.
Fluffy was a German shepherd Ms Hudson got from the police unit not so long ago. She was heading over to the police station to give Detective Lestrade a file Sherlock stole from his office when they were about to take him to the pound when she rescued him. That old woman's heart was bigger then her brain on all occasions, but that is never really a bad thing is it?

Sherlock looked at the package which was roughly the size of a tea kettle and as heavy as one to. No return address, just his name on a pink envelope covered in hearts tucked under some string that kept the box closed.

He took the package to his flat to open it, tossing the note to the side for later. He took a letter opener to cut the string and the box unfolded to show the inside covered in newspaper clippings from Sherlock's past cases.
In the middle was a teddy bear with its back part of its head torn off as well as its insides that was replaced with something that looked like the human anatomy . The part that set off Sherlock was the fact that the bears head move. He took a step back and prepared for an explosion of some sort. Only for the head to continue in said direction and spin over and over again in a continuous 360 spin.

Sherlock looked for the letter that came with package and ripped it open. On the inside of the envelope was pitch black, and the letter inside was heavy, almost matte.
On the paper in bold letters was just 2 words.
"Miss me?"
The words slipped out of Sherlocks mouth as he read off the paper. The bears head stopped spinning immediately as soon as he uttered the words and turned straight at him.
"Oh Sherlock, you have no idea", the bear responded in a soft familiar Irish accent.

~Hello Beauties.
Author here, and I just wanted to say thank you for taking the chance to read my story. It is my first ever published work so take pity on me!Any type of response is welcome and I hope to continue this story for a long, but not too long, time.
Till then,
Good bye Beauties!~

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