His room

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Time skip to when Izuku is finished with his food brought to you by Chibi Izuku intensingly staring at an uncooked steak.

Izuku.was.full. Like he ate all of it and he looked like he is so full he could go into hibernation which he could being that he wont eat for 2-4 days. Jiro walked over to him blushing. "Hey, Kayama?"

"Hm,?"Izuku hummed in response.

"C-Could, I......sleep in...the same bed as you?"Jiro said as her face was as red a kirishima's hair and she was clinking her earjacks together.

"I mean yea of course" He said which made Jiro blush harder. It was late and Izuku was full as hell so he grabbed Jiro by the arm and into his room. He laid in bed and she was confused.

"Wait? Now?" He said confused.

"I mean its like 9pm and im full as hell. might as well." he said coldly.

she got in the bed with him and she was still blushing. she looked at him and she realized even under that cold expression he is blushing not much though. He wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep. Jiro felt so warm in his arms she started to feel a little drowsy too because Nemuri's food was good and she eventually she fell asleep.

Jiro woke up in the middle of the night and to her surprise she was sleeping on top Izuku which made her blush then she felt something around her leg she lifted the blanket a little bit to see Izuku's quirk wrapped around her leg. It didn't feel slimy it feel soft and a little fuzzy. It felt comfortable and she was about to fall asleep until she heard and felt Izuku breathing heavily. She looked up at him and he was crying with his eyes closes. "Kayama wake up please." She started shaking him awake with a little bit of tears in eyes. all of a sudden his Quirk went over his nose and he started to smile kyoka layed back down on his chest and fell asleep.

When Izuku woke up he saw kyoka on his chest but he also noticed the fact that she had dried tears on her cheeks. 'was she crying?' his motions slowly woke her up. when she woke up she straight up hugged him. he was confused and tired but he hugged back.

"Hey why were you crying? i can see your dried tears. what happened?" He questioned with a worried expression as he dug his hand in her hair.

"Last night you were having a nightmare and you started crying and I tried to wake you up. but you wouldn't wake up so I started to get scared and started crying but then you stopped crying when you Quirk came up and put its self over you. It was also wrapped around my leg for some reason." Jiro explained rather tiredly and sadly at the same time. Izuku froze at that last part. He got up while Jiro rolled off him while he got up.

"Skahazi? You showed yourself to her?" Jiro had a confused look on her face when she heard that. Then his quirk came up from around his back and the end of it was facing Izuku as if it was facing him. "You really think so?" Izuku said to seemingly his quirk.

" Kayama who are you talking to?" Jiro lifted a brow looking confused. 'Now that I see it. everytime Kayama uses his quirk he quietly says "Skahazi" as if he is summoning it'.

"I am talking to Skahazi give me a moment." Izuku said to Jiro reassuring her that he isn't insane. "So you trust her enough that you allow her to see your true self old friend." Izuku says to Skahazi But no response ,To jiro at least. all of a sudden Izuku's face goes completely red. " H-how dare you suggest such thing. Thank god she can't hear you speak right now!" Izuku shouted quietly. Jiro notices his face is red and she gets a red face to thinking about what Skahazi could've said that made his face go red.

"S-so you two can talk telepathically?" Jiro asked with a face as red as a tomato.

Izuku turned to Jiro as she was still sitting on his bed. "Yes we can but he cant talk unless its telepathically to me." he says as he proceeds to pet Skahazi. Skahazi was my friend before I met Katsuki. He made me feel like I was someone even though everyone else thought I was a monster.

"C-can I-I p-pet him t-too? Jiro stuttered as her face was still red thinking about what Skahazi could've said to Izuku. Izuku sat on the bed next to her, Skahazi on his lap. He motioned Jiro to pet him. She put his hand on him and it felt so comfortable. "I-its so u-"

"Unexpectedly comfortable and fluffy feeling? Yea you are the only other person besides Aizawa and Onne-san to pet Skahazi, Your lucky to have such luxury. 'Soon I will kiss you' Izuku thought to himself.

5 minutes ago 'telepathy'

Skahazi? you showed yourself to her? Izuku questioned as the quirk came out and faced him to talk telepathically.

"Yes I have I feel like I can trust her unlike Katsuki who would blow up about it. she would be very timid about it." Skahazi said telepathically.

"So you trust her enough to see your true self old friend?" Izuku questioned as this is a first.

" Yes i believe you two would go well together. Especially if you two had children of your own." Skahazi Stated jokingly. This made Izuku's face go red to the thought.

"H-How dare you suggest such thing. Thank god she can't hear you right now!" Izuku quietly yells with a red face redder than kirishima's hair.

Back to the present no telepathy

"Its almost time for school we should get ready your cloths should be in the drying machine." Izuku said as he got up and Skahazi retreated in side his back. " Onee-san is probably making both of you breakfast. If im being honest im still full and probably going to stay like this for a few days." Izuku said seriously and Jiro looked up at him in awe.

'Wait he was being serious!?! how slow is his stomach and how much weaker are his stomach acids?! Never mind that time to get ready' she heard a ring and turned to her phone and she wanted to face palm herself. She forgot to tell her parents she was staying at a friends for a night.

Mom: Kyoka where are you are you ok?

Kyoka: Yea mom im fine sorry I didnt text you before i stayed at a friends as it started to rain hard and it didn't go down sorry for not texting.......

Mom: Its ok. So whos the lucky guy that is working hard to get you.

Kyoka blushed at this text and her heart was practically beating out of her chest.

Kyoka: What do you mean. how did you know it was a guy?

Mom: I mean when you stay at a friends you tell me their name. You didn't do that this time. so who is he?

Kyoka Breathed in and out she started texting back as she got ready.

Kyoka: Ok fine. It was the guy that saved me from the sludge villain and the Zero pointer robot I told you about. He is cute but he acts cold sometimes but its a nice person kind of cold.

Mom: so you admit that you like this boy?

Kyoka: Yea... but idk if he will like me back. I mean he is so strong and cute but. I just dont know.

Mom: Kyoka listen you are beautiful just the way you are and This boy doesn't seem like the person who is after large chest. I say you should wing it.

Kyoka: Ok... Ill wing it then. Bye im off to school.

Mom: goodbye so you later. Tell me what happens.

Kyoka blushed at that last comment. She walked over to the kitchen and saw Nemuri serve some eggs and bacon for her on the table and Izuku sitting on the couch waiting for her arrival.

After she ate they both made their way to school when they heard a "Hey!"

HAHA GET REKT!!! YOU JUST GOT CLIFFHANGERED !!!!! NERDS HAHAHAhahaha...... Wow i thought I would feel more joy doing this but now I feel like an asshole.

"Fed Up, Unraveled lives. (Kagune!Izuku x Kyoka ( IzuJiro )Where stories live. Discover now