Chapter 3

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  Camille had to admit, today could not get any worse. She had never felt this shocked  and confused other than the day her dad had been put in jail. Grabbing her bag, which had slipped off her shoulder when she fell, she grabbed onto Perez's hand. Pulling Camille to her feet, Perez clicked his fingers. Before Camille could properly regain her balance,she was swallowed by darkness.

  Wind whipped around Camille,tangling her hair and stinging her face."Am I dead?"Camille wondered. She bent down and pinched her leg and winced in pain.
  "Ok..I'm alive..where am I? What is this?" As if reading her thoughts, which Camille was pretty sure he did, Perez spoke,"This is teleportation, it will take a couple of seconds. Hold on tight!" Perez's voice resounded everywhere around Camille. "Where are you?"Camille asked but was greeted with no answer. She repeated the answer louder again this time still to no avail.
   A voice sounded in her head,"I cannot hear you clearly. You need to shout to be heard. Teleportation is basically wind carrying you at the speed of light."
Gasping, Camille thought,"Perez? How did you do that?"
  "Magic!"Perez yelled through the wind. Although Camille could not see Perez, she was pretty sure he had a grin plastered on his face.
  "Where are you?"Camille yelled.
  "Next to you! I'm holding your hand," Perez yelled back as he gave Camille's hand a squeeze.
  "Ok, we're reaching! Brace yourself!" Camille immediately locked a firm grip onto Perez's hand and tensed up for a fall, a jump, anything.
  In the blink of an eye, the darkness and ferocious wind surrounding Camille disappeared and Camille realised she was falling. Not from a high height, but as if she had jumped up and gravity was pulling her down. Immediately, Camille bent her knees and she landed on the pavement unsteadily but still standing. Giving herself a mental pat on the back, she turned around to see where Perez was and maybe flaunt off a little of her ability to stand after a mini hurricane.
  "Whoa! Watch out!" a voice yelled before Perez popped out of thin air right in front of Camille and fell onto her, sending them both crashing onto the ground as Camille screamed.

  Brushing hair out of her face and mouth, Camille pushed Perez off her, or at least tried to.

  "Get off!" Camille whacked Perez on the head. 

  "Ok,ok..." Perez pushed himself off the ground and surveyed his surroundings. As Camille got up, a young boy with dirty blonde hair appeared. 

 "Dad! Everyone's waiting for you!" the little boy looked at Perez with admiration in his eyes. Then he turned to look at Camille, who was standing awkwardly at one side. 

  "Who's that?" he pointed at Camille as he questioned Perez.

  "Oh, why don't we bring her in first then we'll figure out," Perez grinned as he ruffled the little boy's hair.

 "Ok. Let's go!" the little boy cheerfully replied as he gave Camille a smile before racing off.

  "Where are we going? And what do you mean by figuring out who I am?" Camille looked at Perez questioningly.

  "You ask too many questions. Let's go," Perez answered as he followed after the little boy.

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