Chapter 6

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I looked out of the window. Classes had not started yet. I had arrived to school early. Aurora, Anna and Mylene had not arrived yet.

After ten minutes I checked my watch again. Class would start soon. Why didn't Aurora arrive yet?

Most of the students of our class had arrived. The usual crowd of giggling girls surrounded me. I still remembered what Aurora told me yesterday.

They are trying to flirt with you.

Suddenly a girl said,

"Hey Rian, what are you doing in the cultural festival? If you haven't decided yet..maybe I can help you. But I need to sit beside you! So will you say the bi..I mean Aurora to go somewhere?"

She started batting her eyes at me.
Um..I didn't even say anything. How can she assume I want to sit with her.

I looked around helplessly. I was not good at refusing anybody. Each time I wanted to refuse someone, but I couldn't, Aurora used to come to my aid. But she was no where to see now.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my shoulders. A familiar voice said,

"Hey Heather! What's up?"

Heather's smile turned into a scrowl the moment she saw Aurora. I sighed. God,thank you for the save.

Heather snarled ( No joking. She really snarled.) and said,

"Rian and I were just discussing our cultural festival plans,you know...and I really hope you won't  interrupt us..."

Oh God.
I hoped Aurora did not misunderstand. What will I do now! What if she thinks that I planned something with Heather? How could I tell her that without being rude?

I moved my shoulder on which Aurora's hand was resting. I nudged it gently to get her attention. Then I wrote in my desk with my finger .


First I thought she didn't get the message. Then I felt a gentle press on my shoulder. She understood.

Aurora said,

"Heather you must have misunderstood something. Rian already planned something for the cultural festival with Anna,Mylene and me. To be sure...why don't we ask him? You never asked his opinion right?"

Heather looked at Aurora with pure disgust. I felt a twinge of hate against that girl. I never saw anyone so self obsessed.

Heather looked at me and plastered a huge smile. She said,

"Oh Rian,say her about our cultural festival plans and seating arrangements !"

I felt no need to be polite with her anymore.

I said,

"I never said anything like that. And yes, I have plans with them."

Heather and her friends looked at Aurora with hate. They turned and walked away. What did she do to offend them?

Aurora sighed and sat down on her bench and moaned,

" They are gonna come after me..."

I said,

"Who will come after you?"

Aurora said,

"Heather and her brainless minions"

I cracked up and started laughing. She joined when she realised the funny side of it.

When our laughter subsided, Aurora said,

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