He was a outcast since he was born. He knew his life has only thorns,with no roses. He had lost all hope,but then.....she came. She was like a sun for him, the only light in his life. But then he realized...she wasn't how she looked....she had her s...
**This story contains themes of depression,child abuse and self harm. **
I slowly had the lunch as Aurora watched me.
She said,
" If you like it that much, I can make lunch for you everyday."
I turned to her and said with surprise
" You would?"
She laughed and said,
"Yes. That's what I just say now,lol."
I thought for a minute. I really liked this lunch, and I REALLY wanted to say yes. But I didn't want to be a burden to my only friend. So I shrugged like it wasn't a big deal to me and said ,
"I don't want to burden."
She looked at me for a second and burst into giggles. She gasped for air and said,
"And..and here I thought you didn't like the lunch *cough cough* don't worry *chuckling* you won't be a burden. I help my sister anyway. So I can just cook for you! Anyways, you need all the nutrition you can get."
I wanted to ask her something that was bothering me. Of all the people in the class, why did she select me as her friend?
I decided to ask her anyways.
"Um...could I ask you something?"
She said " Of course you can!"
I said,
"Why did you want me as your friend? You are pretty popular here."
She gave a laugh, very unlike her own. Her warm brown eyes became cold.
She said,
"Popular? That's what it seems. You should hear my so called 'friends' behind my back. To them, I am just someone disposable. Popular huh?"
Shit. I offended her on our first conversation. Wow.
I said awkwardly,
"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
She broke out of the daze and totally changed. Her smile was back, her eyes were warm again.
"Oh sorry, I zoned out! No! You didn't hurt me! I am okay. It's just...leave. And...your question from before. Why did I ask you to be my friend? Hm...I have a lot of reasons. One of them is .....you remind me a lot of myself you know."
I looked at her surprised. Me...like her! She was excellent in every field, be it beauty, rank in studies or popularity and here I was....scrawny and thin, my skin rough and pale, and such a disease in my veins. My body had scars and marks, be it needle marks or operation scars. Her skin was flawless, it simply shone. In what way was I like her?
She must have noticed my expression, because she said,
" You must be thinking why I said that. You see, I wasn't always like this, healthy and normal. I know how it is to be a burden. This change, it's new. I wasn't always like this. Once, I couldn't even walk..."
She turned and me and made a apologetic face and said,
" I am sorry, I must be killing you of boredom by telling you these"
I shook my head and said,
" It's fine. I want to listen. You can continue."
She looked surprised and said ,
"You do?"
I nodded.
She got up and stretched and started talking,
"You see, I was born a premature baby. I was very weak as a baby and had extremely weak immunity. The doctor said I probably won't make it to even a year. By maybe luck was on my side that year, I made it. But I suffered from serious diseases due to my weak immunity. At the age of three, we had a car accident. My legs received the full blow and I was crippled. Soon after that I had a kidney failure and lost both my kidneys. My mom had to donate me one of hers. At the age of five, I was diagnosed with leukemia. To make things worse, my kidneys malfunctioned again. I had to take another donation, this time from my sister. But this time, one good thing happened, this doctor started treating me. He was amazing. I got a bone marrow donation at the age of 6 and he even found a way to make me walk again. But then, I got pneumonia. I was still recovering from my surgery then, my health deteriorated. The pneumonia affected my lungs a lot, after I had recovered almost 85% of my lungs was damaged. This nice lady next ward, she had oral cancer and was dying, gave me her lungs. So, I got a lung donation at the age of 8 and had to recuperate for two years. When I was 10, I had the biggest surgery of my life. If it went alright then I could walk again. But if it went wrong, I would die. Luckily, it worked and I could walk again and live a healthy life . My health drastically improved. So..."
She turned towards me and smiled.
" I have professional experience of being a burden. Everyone used to tell my mom and my sisters to abandon me. But they didn't . Our condition that time wasn't good. My family sacrificed so much for me. If not for them, I wouldn't be standing here now."
Our eyes met.
Even as she acted as it wasn't a big deal, I sensed it somehow, it wasn't as small like she made it seem. Her eyes said that she was hiding something. But then I thought, we just met, how could I ask her to trust me so much to tell me her personal matters?
** Hey guys!! It's me, the author!! Good to meet y'all !! Sorry for the late update! This book will be updated once a week, every Monday!
Btw,make sure to read the work by my BFF, TaichiiWalker!! I am so proud of you! Thank you for always being there for me when I need it!❤️
This is her book👇
I think you'd like this story: "In My Dreams~♡" by TaichiiWalker
Her book is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! It even ranked pretty high. Her present ranking(09/11/2020)👇❤️
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