Chapter 8

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Time passed before I knew it.

Soon only a week was left before the lantern festival.

The outer cover that our class had been working on was finally finished. Though it still needed to be lined with another cloth, the cover came out beautiful. 

The carpenters had started their work. The wood structure they were building looked impressive.

Leaving that, nothing much had changed. Our school's largest field looked as if a city was being built there. Each class received quite a large amount of space. Even though cultural festival was nearly 2 and a half months later, the whole school was working their heads off.

We did not have a lot of classes. From what I found out, cultural festival was very important for our school's  reputation. Even all the teachers cut us some slack and gave us a lot less homework.

Aurora was stressing as usual. When I arrived to school this morning, she had 3 expresso cups before her and was on her fourth one. Her eyes were lined with dark shadows. She frantically typed at the laptop.

I sat beside her and said,

" World is ending, miss Aurora?"

She looked up from the screen and sighed,

" Budget. Everything these days are SO COSTLY! How can I make up for all the costs of the cafe."

She groaned and put her head on the table. I took the laptop and looked at the carefully calculated budget.

I said,

" It looks okay enough...."

She raised her head and said,

" It isn't. It's too much. The money we collected was about half of it!"

I looked at the budget and frowned and said,

" Hey...instead of framing the pictures of the wall of memories and the wall of fame using such expensive wood, we can use a cheaper wood. We don't need to spend so much on trivial things like this. And for the cooking and baking equipment, we can borrow them. There are places. And I am sure students can borrow one or two from their home. And the cost of the dresses can be paid by the students who will wear them. That brings our budget down by about 30%. It's not much, but it's a start right?"

She gaped at me and said,

" You are so good at this!"

I said,

" My mother works in the finance department. Sometimes I read her papers which are lying around and...I came to learn a little bit of finance from them..."

Aurora's eyes shone. I recognized those symptoms. Uh oh, she was having a idea...

Aurora got up and held both of my hands in hers and said,

" Rian, would you like to be the Finance Director of the Cafe Project? Please say yes! Please! I could use some help"

I looked at her eyes. They were so mysterious,yet so beautiful. It was so easy to lose yourself in the depths of her eyes. They changed colour,like the  shining depths of the ocean. Her eyes reflected the world. They were sometimes dark and mysterious,sometimes bright and cheerful. I thought of her request. I already knew I would say yes. I could never refuse to her. I don't know why,but I couldn't.

I said,

" Okay..."

She said,

"Thank you Rian"

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