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(I couldn't find a Lidge Christmas photo either)



"Are those sentry fingers" Lotor asked with slight concern as he glanced to a doorframe that had chopped of sentry fingers glowing in red, green and yellow while all hanging from a bit of wire used to hook around the doorway.

"Yeah, I made Christmas lights for thee ship" Pidge grinned rather proud of herself, she still found it strange being on a ship that use to belong to Zarkon as he ruled, she knew Lotor was the new king and controlled the ship but she needed to lighten the ship up for new memories. 

"And it took the sacrifice of how many sentries hands" Lotor asked with a raised an eyebrow since there was more then ten metal glowing fingers around the doorframe.

"Don't worry over it, I stole them from the destroyed sentries that were gonna be melted down. See .. I recycled the dead" Pidge replied like it was no big deal and patting Lotor arm a little.

"Maybe not tell others your using dead sentries to lighten up the ship" Lotor mumbled back with a slight worried frown since it was rather worrying having glowing sentries fingers hanging around the halls. If they did that with living flesh fingers it would cause a huge issue within the ship.

"Can't you just be nice and say you like them or that I'm a genius for doing this" Pidge sighed as she crossed her arms while glancing to the prince.

"I'm not an earthling remember meaning I only just learnt about Christmas like the rest of Voltron collusion. I don't think I'm the best to give compliments for such an event"  Lotor answered with a slight shrug since he really did only learn the basics over what Christmas was just days ago. 

"Just say, it looks good or wow, what a great idea .. that all you have to say before walking away" Pidge mumbled back slightly defeated over having the new King finding her decoration skills before any other paladin found her over them.

"Yes, the ship does look rather lovely now thanks to you. Thank you for helping to make a new and more brighter memory for those on the ship to have instead of letting us be stuck in the past when Zarkon ruled. You have done me a great honour in trying to bring smiles to my men" Lotor smiled softly, turning his head to look at her with grateful and gentle eyes as he truly meant what he said. 

"Pfff, it was nothing ... just a silly hobby no worries" Pidge shot back trying to act cool and making it seem like no big deal even as her cheeks became slightly rosy from the look on Lotor face.

"Don't be silly, you really are a wonderful person and I'm rather lucky to have you by my side. One day I hope to truly give you a reassure that as precious as you" Lotor smiled gently as he took hold of Pidge hands and lifted them up before placing a soft kiss on the back of her hands to show his gratitude while Pidge stood wide eye and blushing hard. 

"I-I'm .. I-It's fine um you welcome ... I um better get back to making finger glow and all that jazz before the ship loses it magic tough .. I'll um stare ... see .. See You later" Pidge muttered back, her blush growing brighter as she just stared at Lotor before running away.

"Did I say something wrong" Lotor mumbled with a confused frown, glancing to where he last saw the green paladin. 

Christmas OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now