Holt Siblings

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"Badly drawn fire place" Pidge asked as she stood with her halo screen out and the Holt Christmas Check List pulled up.

"Check?" Matt called back as he stared at the rather bad drawing of a fire place that was just scribbled in grey pencil like colour with the orange parts of the paper they used leaking out on the paper they used.

"Yeah, for smartasses that design great tech .. you think at lease one of us could draw well" Pidge mumbled back as she glanced to the so called fire place drawing.

"Yeah, I don't think we should even labelled it as a fire .. maybe a train wreck .. But moving on" Matt shot back with a worried frown as he scratched his neck.

"Snacks" Pidge called out as she read the next thing on their check list.

"Check" Matt grinned as he glanced over to the plate of cookies and small plate of cupcakes since they gave the rest to the other paladins.

"Made by Hunk and NOT Coran" Pidge shot back with a nervous smile.

"Double Check" Matt answered with a thumbs watching his sister relax over the news a little.

"A warm and comfy blanket that perfect for Holt cuddles" Pidge yelled out next in a serious tone since it was the most important thing and it was.

"A perfect Blanket for Holt Cuddles" Matt answered proudly and gave a salute to the white fluffy blanket on one of the lounge sofas.

"A Christmas Movie" Pidge asked last as she glanced up from her Halo.

"No but we did find a Galran movie we could translate subtitles to and well apparently the guns shoot colourful blasts .. Its colour theme for Christmas and the blood seems to be close to Christmas as well since its blue or green or pink and the blasts can be red and golden and so much more ... Its the best we could find" Matt mumbled back as he ran a hand threw his hair while he glanced to the hovering screen that they would be placing the movie on.

"Good enough, Lets Holt this Christmas day up" Pidge cheered with her hands in the air even though it would be boxing day on earth. The two Holt siblings couldn't hang yesterday after the galra decided to keep attacking planets on Earth Christmas day making the paladins only really return to the castle early boxing day morning. 

"Wait .. Christmas hats" Matt screamed out in pure joy and ran over to the sofa they laid the snacks on and drinks that were just like fizzy lemonade but flat and smelled like feet, at least it tasted like flat lemonade making it a nice treat. 

"Urr, Christmas Hats?" Pidge asked with a raised eyebrow, they were in the middle of space and it seemed no one but earth celebrated Christmas making them find no Christmas supplies. Hence they were going to watch a galran film that was about the galra slaughtering a race of alien on a small planet before blowing it up. But hey, at least the blasters shot Christmas colours and the alien blood seems Christmas like. 

"Yeah, I scared Lance into making us two after finding out he could sew" Matt smiled proudly as he held up two Christmas hats. One was an elf hat with the elf ears sew on backwards but that just made it more special in Matt eyes. The second hat was Santa hat with "HO,HO,HO" Written over the front over the white furry part, an altean bell sew on the tip of Santa hat.

"How did you scare lance, your as lame as him most days" Pidge asked surprised as she took the elf hat, she had an elf hat back on earth and wasn't going to skip wearing an elf hat while she had the chance. Matt Christmas hat was a turkey, where the butt would go on his head .. he was rather proud over his embarrassing Christmas hat back on earth. 

"I told him I found out that he was trying to get close to you during your undercover times in the Garrison and how he would change in the same locker rooms as you .. Lets just say I use my big brother charms on him and he agreed to make the hats for us" Matt smirked evilly making his sister glance to him with slight worry and wondering if Lance would be having nightmares.

"You do know I always wore a polo top under my unifrom and training clothes, I made sure no one would see anything close to anything .. right? I was also quick to change and hid behind a locker door while doing so before leaving in a rush. No one would or could have seen anything and even Lance was too distracted talking to glance at me back then" Pidge replied just making sure her brother didn't get the wrong idea over her undercover days. 

"Oh, I know but pretending that Lance was as much as a pervert to you as he is to anything else that moves in this universe got us free Christmas hats made by him. Be thankful and lets sit down" Matt smiled brightly before placing the hat on and sitting down on the sofa.

"And everyone thinks I'm the evil sibling" Pidge joked with a silly grin as she sat down, cuddling up beside her brother as they pulled the blanket around them. Huddling up like they were children all over again as the movie started. 

"You had to learn it from someone and unlike mum, I don't get caught being the mean one" Matt teased back making his sister laugh.

"Merry Christmas my silly but cool big brother" Pidge smiled softly as she let her walls crumble down, ready to enjoy the couple hours of sibling time with her brother and just being the little sister not a paladin. 

"Merry Christmas little sister" Matt smiled sweetly and kissed her head before turning back to the film ready to read the subtitles.

"You better not tell the guys I have a soft side or I'll be decking you not the tree this year" Pidge warned as she kept her eyes on the screen just hearing her brother chuckle. 

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