The Beginning

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The world was thriving, all except for a small country called Sokovia. The country was ignored by most, but recently we have been at war with many of our surrounding countries for reasons unknown to us.  Bombings, battles, gassings, and much more has turned our beautiful, humble homeland into a waste land barely fit for living. Courtesy of Stark weapons.A few small towns remain, but we have almost nothing left. Most of the countries people have moved to better places, but a select few of us are loyal to our home.

A few weeks ago, these strange people came through my town and started re-building one of our research centers. They finished building yesterday and now it stands out in the ruins and mess that surround it. No one seems to know what the building is for or exactly who built it.

I was roaming through the town square, buying food for my brother, Pietro, and myself. The square was louder than usual and filled with quite a few small scattered groups. A man was hanging posters on poles and boards around the square, advertising the usual variety of  products and clubs. However, one of the posters I did not recognize. I walked closer to examine it.

Volunteers Needed

Requirements: 18-30 years of age, Great physical & mental health

Purpose: Testing & experimentation of body and mind

If interested, sign name below.

It piqued my interest and I made a mental note to talk to Pietro about it when I got home, then continued through my tasks for the day.

I wandered around the square buying needed food and clothes with what little money we had. Once I had gotten everything that was on the list for the day, I headed down a street just south of the square. I made a right turn three blocks down then made my way down the cobblestone streets to the outskirts of the city. 

The makeshift homes began to break up and the treeline of the forest appeared. A cold breeze ruffled my clothes as I made my way to what, from the outside appearance, looked like just another building in ruins. I pulled my thin jacket around myself and set my basket down on a stone. Shifting a wooden beam revealed a hole just big enough to squeeze through was revealed. I passed the basket through with a little difficulty and then wiggled my way through.

Picking the basket up, I looked around at the cold, dark, empty room that stood before me. The dull grey walls were crumbling more everyday. Pietro always said it was like being in an abandoned insane asylum, but it was what we had. I moved to the other side of the room and passed under a small opening that used to be a door frame. Beyond that opening lay a much more inviting environment.

The room was much warmer than outside and was lit by candles scattered throughout. A beaten twin sized mattress sat in one corner, a small wooden table sat in the opposite corner, with a small wooden chest tucked next to it. Besides that the room was barren.

I crossed the room and placed the basket on the table, taking the clothes out and placing them in the chest. I left the food in the basket and sat down on the mattress. It was by no means nice or very comfortable, but it was better than the floor so I didn't complain. As I relaxed I heard shuffling and footsteps echoing from the other room.

"Pietro?" I called softly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's me." 

I let out a small sigh and leaned against the wall. Pietro slipped under the door and stretched, straightening to his full height.

He had short fluffy caramel hair that tended to drop into his eyes at times. He always made sure the sides and back were close cut, but he liked the top to be longer. He had soft blue eyes, like mine, that were, most always, set in a scowl. He stood at 6'2" but he was quite slender, which made him look like a stick. That by no means defined his strength though! He was strong, it just doesn't show. He had plenty of strength hidden in his trim figure.

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