Fire on fire. (English version)

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author's note:
Hi guys, this is my first story here on Wattpad, I have the habit of writing for myself and I finally took the courage to post something in here. I hope you like it, and don't forget to vote if you do! ❤️
*you can swipe to listen to the song the story was based in as you read it!
My mother said I'm too romantic
I always felt different from other people.  Maybe because my life history is not so usual, maybe because of my unique personality, or maybe my appearance is just not ordinary.  But despite all difficulties, I consider myself a resilient person.  And after terribly treated at the orphanage, going through a torturous journey when I thought I wouldn't be staying with Marilla and Matthew here at Green Gables, and all the painful school adaptation and judgments I dealt with and still do, I realize that I became stronger, and from my strength, I found hope and created light, which guided me to be who I am today.
She said: You're dancing in the movies
Today I know that I am special in my own way, I know my worth, my real friends, the family I brought love to.  I assume my love for tragical romances, nature, words and freedom.  Deep down, I always knew that this was the real Anne, but through small insecurities I let some hurt me by words and actions that I knew did not belong to me, only to the person who had the purpose of spreading hateful actions.
I almost started to believe her
But deep down I felt sorry for those who were so sad within themselves that thought that hurting others with their misfortunes would relieve the pain of insufficiency.  The reality is that the world keeps spinning, and in the end it will only hurt the person who started this cycle in the first place.  One of the people who are present in my current life and unfortunately has a poor spirit is Billy Andrews.  I remember my first day at school here in Avonlea, when he offended me in different ways, but I also remember the times that I stood up for myself and showed my strength, because every day that he tried, I raised my head up high, in a way that his empty words would no longer affect me.  I also remember when Diana stood by me, and especially the times when Gilbert  supported me.
Then I saw you and I knew
I don't need anyone to defend me, but it's nice to have people by your side that you can count on when the whole world is falling apart, and oddly amazing when one of them makes your heart flutter as if you are racing against the wind through a colorful forest and your hair blows while the sun renews your energies reflecting its brilliant rays in your soul.
Maybe it's' cause I got a little bit older
So today is the long-awaited night of the "Avonlea's Annual Ball" that takes place in a gigantic house that has the most splendid garden of all, and the only place in the village where are red begonias, my favorite flowers.  They have the color of my hair, and many compare them to roses, but they are uniquely different, and just like me, they are extraordinary.  Well, I spent my whole life stating that redheads couldn't wear red, but today I want to be a begonia, and show everyone, especially myself, how different and unique I am.
Maybe it's all that I've been through
So I put on the stunning red puffed-sleeved dress that Marilla made for me, tied my hair in a bun made from the braids I wear everyday and
- Oh my, I just had the greatest idea.  I went down to the kitchen and looked for something that could make my lips reddened.  I couldn't find it so I decided to go to Matthew's plantations and found raspberries!  I passed them over my lips and felt the sweet taste, now I was ready.
As soon as we got to the ball, everyone looked at me. At first I thought of running away, but I stayed there, head held high because I'm a begonia.  Begonias do not abandon their essences.  But I realized that not all eyes were disapproving.  There was a pair of blue eyes that sparkled in a way I've never seen before.  And at the same time I felt the environment around me heat up, as if my soul was on fire.
I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder
And how I see myself with you
I had never had such intense and magnetic eye contact before, it was as if we were being attracted by a force greater than the two of us at that moment.
And then I built up the courage to talk to him, and as soon as I get in front of him I find myself lost in everything about that boy.  His curly black hair, his beautiful smile and the atypical, yet so charming  jaw.
I don't say a word
I think we stood there analyzing each other's details for about five minutes, until someone needed to say something, so I broke the silence.
- Gilbert Blythe.  I'm surprised to see you here at the ball.
- Anne Shirley Cuthbert.  I'm also surprised to see you around here, and more radiantly beautiful than e-v-e-r.
  (Anne blushes and looks down smiling)
But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know
- Thank you, you are also e-x-c-e-p-t-i-o-n-a-l-l-y charming.
- Wow, this time you've beaten me fair and square!
(both laugh)
- So Blythe, are you going to ask me to dance with you or what?  [Anne says]
Gilbert laughs and says:
- Will you dance with me, milady?
Anne finds the formality funny and replies:
- Well, this room is very crowded, I know a better place to dance, come with me!
Anne holds Gilbert's hand and guides him to a special place
There you go, saving me from out of the cold
They arrive at the garden that Anne loves so much, and Gilbert is enchanted by the beauty of the place, and Anne's enchanting laughter.
After she introduced him to the place, and told stories about the times she was feeling confused and went over there with Belle to clear her mind, they walked over to reach the red begonias.  Anne stops for a few seconds to feel her evolution and watch the beautiful flowers being illuminated by the moonlight.  Gilbert suddenly, when speaking, causes Anne to come out of the trance she was in.
- You look like one of those flowers, Anne.  They look like roses, but they are not, they are different.  They are beautiful just like the color of your hair, dress and lips.  And when I look at your freckles, I see a field of them, a complete universe of delicate, romantic and resilient flowers.  With them we learn that rain is necessary for us to flourish.  I admire your strength, Anne.  You are like a flower to me.
A tear falls from Anne's ocean eyes as she smiles shyly and stares at Gilbert
- Thanks.  They inspire me, your sweet words moved me, Blythe.  They are red begonias, my favorite flowers from all over the world and the reason I like this garden so much.  Here is the only place in Avonlea where they exist.
Gilbert wipes Anne's tears and smiles at her
- Hey, don't cry!  you are the most beautiful red begonia in the garden.  In fact, we came here to dance, right?  and we haven't danced until now (laughs)
- You fool!  (Anne laughs) but it's true, this is the right place, let's go to that spot over there!  (points to the center of the garden)
As they arrive, they are surrounded by colorful flowers
Gilbert picks up a begonia from the floor and places it behind Anne's ear.  They start dancing happily, until they slow down and their eye contact increases, causing their bodies to collide, so they hold hands.
Fire on fire would normally kill us
But this much desire, together, we're winners
They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms
- A-anne [Gilbert speaks]
Anne stares at Gilbert
- I like you very much, since I saw you for the first time, I felt that you were the girl that I waited for all my life, I think you are incredible and-
Anne didn't wait for Gilbert to finish, before he thought, she sealed her lips on his and got the best feeling possible, discovering that what she had seen before in his eyes was simply passion.
Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me
And look in my eyes
You are perfection, my only direction
It's fire on fire
And this is the beginning of one of the purest, lightest and most beautiful loves that a field of red begonias has ever seen.
It's fire on fire.

Fire on fire - Shirbert oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now