1. A New Place I Guess

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Your POV -.-

A new house. A new life. You lay in your bed, sitting there, thinking about your plan. It seemed simple enough, and you had done it what seemed to be thousands of times before. Get out of bed, and jump out the window, the window on your one story house. Be sure to gather the little things you still had, and run out of the neighborhood. You didn't know where to go after that, and that was why you were still in your bed, in the house you were soon about to escape. Thoughts bombarded your head as you went through your plan, trying to just do it and get out of bed. But, like usual, whenever you escaped your brain was nice enough to make you go through the last 5 years.

You had been in the foster care for a while now, but you had decided to escape a lot of the houses because of shitty "parents" or them trying to hurt you. Whenever you escaped, you always ended up being caught by the police or people saw you and then decided to report you. Then you went back to a new house, ended up being kicked out or escaping.

When you were 10 your parents had died. Yep, plain and simple like that. Your house had caught on fire, some person had come in and shot both of your parents. Your brother and you had both gotten out, but not only to be found by the police a few minutes later. You had both gone to the same house at first, but then they kicked you out. You got separated. You wished that you could've spent more time with him, laughing till your stomachs hurt like you used too, before that night happened.

You had been in the foster care system since you were 10. 5 years could do a lot to a person, especially when they barely ate, slept, and got even decently good care. You eventually realized that nobody wanted you, so you stole stuff, learned how to pick locks, and fight. Most importantly fight. You barely needed sleep. How you took life was to stay by yourself, don't trust anybody. Yeah, sure it was sad, but you needed it. Nobody cared about you. Nobody.

You had escaped/been kicked out of more than 20 houses over the past 5 years. Longest you've ever stayed in one? 2 months. Nobody just seemed to like you. You were fine with it. If anybody you used to know, before the fire and death, they wouldn't have recognized you now. You were skinny, fiercer, and definitely didn't trust anybody.

The train of thoughts were finally over, yet you still didn't want to get up. No matter how much you wanted to, your body wouldn't let you. After staying in this house for almost 5 weeks, you had realized that they didn't want you. Well, you knew that the moment you stepped inside. But you really started to understand when they started ignoring you, and treating you like an abused dog, but the dog was abused by them.

That was why you wanted to get out, well hell, you would've wanted to get out even by the smallest things. You always dreamed of that great house, the one that would accept you and shit, but that was never gonna happen.

Eventually, you slapped your own face, getting you up from the thoughts, and you stood up, quietly walking around your room, gathering everything you had into the small bag you had stolen a few days ago. Sure, the family you were in was rich, but that didn't change anything. They were still stuck up, horrible people.

You eventually gathered everything, and went over to the window, unlatching it. You softly stepped outside, and slammed the window shut, not giving a fuck about how much noise you made. You ran. Even though you hadn't had a good meal in at least 3 years, you still ran fast. You ran as fast as you could, and started laughing. You didn't know why, but after the years of escaping terrible homes, you eventually figured out it had something to do with being free, even if it was only for a few days to a few weeks.

A New Life for Better or Worse {¶ Sleepy Bois Inc. ¶}Where stories live. Discover now