❣❤y/n + the yanderes ❤❣

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Name: Y/n Serif
AU: Underfell
Species: Human

SOUL type : Monster
SOUL color: Dull yellow
SOUL trait: Justice(?)

As the adoptive sibling of Edge (Underfell! Papyrus) and Red (Underfell! Sans), life was nice, albeit hard. Your brothers were kind and loving to you, and vice versa. They were protective, but not overbearing yet.
For a fell, you were.... rather kind and innocent, compared to everyone else from your AU. And you are... flustered easier than anyone. But I think that's what they found.. charming.

Underfell! Sans
Platonic Attraction
Anything Y/n does, they do with their best buddy, Red! Red has the strongest bond with the edgy human (with their boss being an extremely close second), and does anything and everything in his power to keep it that way. He sees the human as a divine being, and he and Boss are definitely your biggest fans. You don't need anybody else anyway, right?

Underfell! Papyrus
Platonic Attraction
Being the human's adoptive brother and boss, he's seen their strength, potential and kindness. He's not afraid to use his status and looks to his advantage, scaring away everyone he deems unworthy of your attention, which is pretty much everyone.
After all, such a deity as yourself didn't need simpletons chasing after you, hm?

Undertale! Sans
Romantic Attraction
He's heard his friend Red talk Y/n more than a lot, and quite highly of them, may I add. When he first met them... they were.. kinda soft, actually. Sure, they were also pretty rude, calling him "midget skeleton", but that can change! He knows he can make Y/n change, maybe with just a little... force. And then, they can be his, right, human?

Undertale! Papyrus
Romantic Attraction

Creampuff stared at Y/n. A lot. And he liked Y/n. A lot. Honestly, he didn't understand half the feelings he felt for them, but he knew he liked it. They shivered at his gaze.
But in a good way, only the best shivers can come from them, right?

Underswap! Sans
Platonic Attraction
Blueberry didn't really understand them. He could tell Y/n couldn't understand him either. But, the human's boss introduced them to each other, and they kinda hit it off. And that was where the obsession started, yes?

Underswap! Papyrus
Romantic attraction
Stretch and Y/n were, like Classic, introduced by your mutual friend Red. They looked him up and down, like someone would if they were checking someone out, but the first sentence they said was "Damn, dude, you're taller than my boss!" He blatantly laughed into his hand, Red and Y/n laughed too. Y'know, funny people need to stick together, yeah?

Fellswap! Sans
Romantic Attraction
That poor unfortunate SOUL. Razz didn't especially like Y/n at first, and honestly insulted them whenever he got the chance. But then he brought Red and Edge into the insults. He didn't really know what was coming. But they cussed him out, getting him back for all of what he ever said. But.. it was hot.
Y/n is hot. Now he's pretty much hellbent on making them his spouse in the future.

Fellswap! Papyrus
Romantic attraction
Actually, this was a case of love at first sight. Like Y/n's brothers, he views them as a deity, and constantly wonders how to approach god. If they hadn't seen him spying on them (they didn't suspect a thing), they wouldn't even be friends. Mutt showers them in flirts, and is definitely not against hugging them real close when Red wasn't around. No one can contain his love for you now.

Underlust! Sans
Romantic Attraction
No. Not worshipper in the context of god worshipping. Worshipper like he worships Y/n's body. Yeah, it's gross, but he savors every moment he's with them, even when they degrade him. He thinks of them too often, good thing he's good at hiding everything.

Underlust! Papyrus
Romantic Attraction
Prince only got to know Y/n existed because them and his brother were vibing together. Of course, this human was... way too hot and badass to be allowed. But their personality too--! So innocent! So kind! So easy to manipulate! So.. perfect..

(Hey children! This is my first story and this one part took me so fucken long to make so I thought I would just end here and develop even more yanderes goin **ULTRA SIMP** for beloved Y/n and I might be inserting myself so uh.. ye)

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