Toby's Backstory

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(this follows my story line a little bit... Just not the main one (I'm Not Him) it follows a different one where Toby is just gone for 3 months on a mission and comes back how he used to he before he was a proxy. Heh. Just a little more bloodthirsty and not caring about his language. He also shows his gash more. Also Toby had to age for his mission! It was kinda important that he could grow up so no one suspected him.. he had to appear older too!)

As soon as the figure walked in the entire living room quieted. As the young adult walked to Slenders office the pastas looked at each other. An hour later he walked up the stairs. He got stopped by Jeff however and was forced down the stairs. He cracked his neck occasionally but was quiet other than that. "Who are you." Jeff growled. The man... Laughed? Masky looked at the man. He had a gash on the side of his mouth, as well as really light brown eyes that looked almost orange. He had short brown hair and he had the posture of a confident person. Masky looked back at Hoodie who was making sure Sally didn't panic with Jack. When Masky turned around  Jeff was at... Hachet point? The man smiled and out his hachets away. He only said one sentence. "You know me... But I'm not saying from when. Or where." And with that he walked up the stairs.


The next day the man was seen outside playing with Sally and Lazari. Masky sighed and walked out. "Hiya Masky!!" Sally said. "Hi Sally.. can you and Lazari go inside? I'm doing to have a chat with him real quick." "Okie!" As the two young girls went inside the man turned to Masky, who said something he never thought he would hear. "Hey Masky..... Miss me?" Masky gasped a little. "Toby?" Toby smiled. "Sup!" Masky hugged Toby. (Remember Father/Son relationship) when Masky let go, he was immediately met with a curse. "SHIT- I'm dead-" Masky paused, trying to comprehend what came out of Toby's mouth. The second he blinked Toby was gone, being chased by Jeff.


That night Toby was in Maskys room. "So what ya want Masky?" Toby asked. "What made your personality change so much? Was it something traumatic? Or something that happened during a mission?" Toby paused. Toby the looked up at Masky. "Promise m-me that you won't tell anyone. N-Not even Hoodie." Masky stares blankly. Is it really that Important? "Deal." Toby smiles. "Good. Don't mind my tics interrupting me.. it started near the middle of the mission. At one point I was in a car, and I passed a spot..... I-it felt familiar in a bad way. I basically had a panic a-attack in a car." Masky stayed silent making sure he could go and comfort the small man if he needed too. (Well Smoll in Masky perspective.. he's 5'2 from what I was told which is my height UwU) "the next thing I know I'm having that nightmare... But ... It's different... I don't have any say in anything that happens. At least not ME me. It... Was like a m-memory..... And I was just rel-living it." Masky nods. "I know what that is like.." Toby nods and continues. "Remember the girl I told you about from my nightmares?" Masky nods. Toby questions how he'll say this. "At one point she called me her brother, which led me to believe that she's my sister. I've talked with Slender and I am correct. Then after that one dream every dream after that was the same. Some including me defending my sister, others including me yelling curse words at the top of my lungs just to annoy my friend Jack." Toby stops so masky can comprehend what he's saying. Once Masky nods again he continues. "One of them was the worst. I've had the nightmare before but it was different. I felt the glass to through my skin. I heard bones break. A saw the face of my drunk ass "father" as he crashed into us and drove off. Then I passed out and woke up in the hospital with the news that my sister died." Toby looked at the ground and Masky hugged him. Toby continued. "That night I just layed in bed. Until I went up to walk around. There a saw, something .. i don't know what... The static filled my head as I suddenly blacked out. I felt nothing as I woke up.  I continued my day feeling nothing. I bit my hands almost to the bone. I was sent to a therapist once I got caught with it, but I just blacked out again after staring at Slender." Masky paused. He thought for a minute. He said  nothing and listened to Toby talk. "Later on when I fell asleep I had a nightmare.... It was like I wasn't asleep but there was some surreal things to it. The hallway I was walking down to go downstairs was longer. The moon was a little brighter. While I was walking down the hallway and door opened. I turned around and I was 3inches away from my sisters face. My dead sisters face. Her body was disfigured in ways I never want to see again. I fell backwards and started to crawl away.  However I hit a wall. As soon as she was 2 feet away I woke up." Masky let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Toby released his grip on the blankets. "After that I was just trying to live life how I used to, but with added things. I still bit my fingers, the nightmares never stopped, and I kept seeing things that weren't there. I'm it gonna say what." Masky sighed. "I've been there. It still happens." Toby looked at him.  His respect for masky went up. "Anyways, one night I had just woke up and went downstairs. I still have no clue why but I can't change that now. When I went down the stairs, the asshole was there. Taking a drink. As usual. My eyes trailed off of him and went to the kitchen knife behind him. I heard........... Voices telling me to grab it. I was against it entirely. I thought: 'yeah that assholes bad, but that doesn't give me the right to kill him!' however as the voices continued I didn't realize that I was moving twords the knife. When I realized I was there the knife was already in my hands. After a while I just. Snapped. All sane thoughts went away. All that I knew was I wanted to kill the asshole that was my biological father. The urge was too strong for me to fight off.  I walked twords him, and as soon as he turned around I stabbed him multiple times in the stomach. He fell down when I pushed him and tried to fight back. He didn't succeed and let's say there was more than one stab wound. After that I walked into the garage. I grabbed a tank of gasoline, matches and two hachets. You know what happend after that..." He trailed off. Masky looked at him. Masky looked away thinking. After a while he looked back at Toby. "That definitely your personality change.." Toby laughed a little. "You think?"

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