Part 5: Overcome

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(Suggested song- Glory and Gore by Lorde then Natural by Imagine Dragons)

-Sophia Shade-
Pain. Death. Hurt. Loss. Sadness. Anger. Numb. None of these are the same. They are all different. In ways they may be related but not the same.

I'm definitely feeling more than one of those emotions as I run through the maze of garbage that is out of the wall. Our army has split up into groups along the way. Changing directions.

I am left in a small group with Letty, two other men, and another women. I learned their names were Jorge, Enzo, and Astrid. They are very kind.

I sigh as we reach another fork in the path. We will be splitting up. Again.
"We're not going to leave you. We're already a small group as it is." Enzo speaks. I look to him, shaking my head.

"We must split up. We have to."
"I will not leave you my Queen. We are in this together." I frown at him.
"I can protect myself. I'm capable."
"I realize that. I'm here for support."

"We are." Letty puts her hand on my shoulder and for a second I let myself sink into the touch, wanting her to just hold me. I want to be a kid again.

"Very well. We can go this way." I point to the right and they all follow me. I see a group of people ahead and we duck down to avoid being seen. We watch them for a moment before realizing they're not ours. We quickly shoot them down and continue on our way.

I yell at the group to follow. There's more of them around the corner. I pull the dagger from my belt. Along with my gun in my hand, I stab the people coming from the corner. It's a brawl.

With weapons. One man throws his gun to side of the field and looks at me.
"You killed my friend." He says to me. I slowly start to back away from him.

I realize what I'm doing and make my eyes into slits. I glare at him and run at him. I manage to slit his arm. He yells.

He charges at me and I do the same. I duck under his swinging arm and take a swipe at his leg. He leans down to grab his leg. I bring my leg up to his face quickly. He falls back. I grin.

"You'll pay for then Queenie." I glare.
"Don't. Call. Me. Queenie." I jump on him swiping at his gut. He throws my on the ground. The impact makes me cough. Enzo shoots him. In the head.

I'm still coughing but I manage to look up at him. I smile at him and sigh.
"I had it under control." He laughs.
"Sure you did." He helps me up. "You did pretty good though. That kick was amazing." I laugh. I look around.

There's bodies covering the ground. Not one of them is ours. But we are pretty beat up. I look over at Letty. She has a bleeding arm. I run to her.

"Are you ok?" I say panicked. She sighs.
"Just a scratch. I'll be fine." I nod. 
We keep moving. Then I see the compound in the distance. I smile.

"That's it. That's the compound. We need to find our way in. It's almost dark." I point to the building. I nod.

"Sounds good. You got a plan once we're in?" I look at Enzo. He smiles.
"Not one clue." And then we continue on. When we get close to the compound we start to creep down so we're not seen by anyone. I gesture to the guard.

"Take him out quietly." I whisper. Astrid and Jorge nod. Astrid creeps behind him while Jorge makes a noise in the bush. The guard looks in his direction. Astrid sneaks up on him and stabs him in the neck. He makes a gurgling sound. I look away.

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