Just Survive Somehow

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"Helloooo!" Edd poked me in the shoulder, causing me to snap out of the daze I was in.

I jumped and whipped my head in his direction. "Did you say something?"

He gave me a weird look. "Uh, yea. We were gonna go bowling. Do you wanna come?"

I sighed. "Why not?"

Matt squirmed in his chair. "Can we go now? I can't wait that long!"

"Its only a couple of hours. Go watch tv or something."

Matt crossed his arms and pouted. "But I'm booorred."

"Why don't you go get ready in the meantime?" Tom suggested.

"Oh! Okay!" Matt's face lit up as he jumped out of his chair and ran to his room.

Edd got up as well. "I'm going to the store, do you need anything?"

"Yea actually, I would kill for a pack of cigars right about now."

"I think I'm running low on Smirnoff too. A six pack of that would be great."

Edd nodded. "Matt!" He called. "I'm going to the store, you wanna come?"

"Yea, hold on I'm coming!"

A minute later, Matt ran down the stairs and out of the house, pushing passed Edd, who just rolled his eyes. "Don't kill each other."

We both glanced at one another before slowly nodding our heads.

We waited until we heard the car pull out of the driveway and speed off before getting up and going our separate ways.

Not looking behind me, I climbed the stairs and went onto my room, closing the door. I flopped onto my bed and sighed. I stared up at the patterns on my ceiling, lost in thought as the silence consumed me. My mind slowly drifted to the memories, lost in the past but never forgotten.


It's a good thing I've watched a lot of survival documentaries when I was bored. I liked how beautiful the surroundings always were. I'd wanted to try it one time.

I didn't expect it to be under these circumstances.

I stumbled over to a patch of dry grass and picked a fistful of it along with some sticks that had fallen onto the forest floor.

This will have to do, I thought to myself as I sat down and started to rearrange a pile of rocks into a tight circle formation. I dropped the grass into the pit and chose two sticks from the pile, from which I started rubbing together to create a spark.

It seemed like forever for them to heat up and eventually start smoking. I was too exhausted to move after I got the fire roaring.

As time went on, it started to snow. Me being in only a t-shirt and jeans wasn't helping either. I huddled closer to the small fire, hoping that the raging blizzard around me wouldn't kill it.

As the remnants of the fire got covered in snow, I slowly limped towards town.

Maybe there's somewhere I can stay.

My socks were wet and half frozen as I reached my small town.

As I made my way through the rows of houses and shops, my body gave way and I hit the icy ground.

Unable to get up, I started forcefully dragging myself toward the nearest house. As I started losing my strength, I gripped onto the railing, hoping to regain my footing for a couple more steps to the front door. That plan failed as my knees once again gave way, and I started to collapse. I flinched, ready to hit the ground hard like last time, but I didn't.

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