Tulips? No,Buttercups

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I grabbed my keys and headed off to my floral shop. It was summer and business was blooming, people getting bouquets for their significant others, people bought seeds for their own gardens so on and so forth. Namjoon was still messing in my kitchen by the time I got out the shower and got dressed. I had said bye and trusted him to lock the doors whenever he did decide to leave my apartment.

The floral shop wasn't far from my apartment if I drove, if I had decided to walk it would have took thirty minutes and even more energy than I could afford.

I reached for my phone but didn't feel it and my heart dropped to my ass.

Fuck... I left my phone!

I sighed as I pushed on the gas deciding to leave it there.

As I walked through the flowery  painted doors I smile as I spotted a familiar silhouette, the blonde headed man handling my flowers with such care.

I slowly and quietly crept up behind him and as soon as I was at his back I grabbed him.



Laughter boiled within me as I tried to hold it in, I let go so he could turn around.

"What the hell was that for Taelin? Hm? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

His glare was like daggers but his scream just kept replaying in my head and I couldn't hold it anymore.

I was on my knees with tears coming out my eyes with no air in my lungs.

Hoseok continued to stare at me cracking a smile after a couple minutes.

"Are you going to get up or keep wheezing like a forty year old smoker?"

"Oh hush your just mad you almost shit yourself."

"Did not!"

Smiling to myself I stand, the velvety red roses catching my eyes, they were next to pretty pink azaleas.

The shop was sparkling with the summer time glow.. or maybe it was the pollen hitting the rays of sunshine that leaked in from the windows.

The little bell on the door rang as another familiar face walked in smiling.

"Ah! Hi Mrs. Hyun! What can I get for you today?"

Mrs. Hyun was my first ever customer and has been since my shop opened three years ago.

"Oh just some pretty little tulips would do fine for the extra space in my garden honey. "

"Hmmm I don't think tulips would do well in your garden Mrs. Hyun."

I stroll to the back and put on my apron gathering up some buttercups.
I came back with them in hand as Hoseok was talking up a storm with Mrs. Hyun.

"I think these would do a lot better than tulips and make your garden a lot fuller!"

The woman smiled and got out some won.

"I suspect my senior discount is still in effect?"

"Yesss unless you've been lying about your age which I suspeeect-"

I was cut off by her little laugh which made me laugh as well.

"No trickery here dear although I wish there was, can I pay in card dear?"

"Of course ma'am"

I point to the little scanner and she smiles, next thing you know she's out the door and Hoseok is talking about everything but nothing at the same time.

After seven long hours the shop was locked up and it was time for me to get home.

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