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"Taelin, wake up, the pizza is here. "

I felt Joon shaking me awake, my eyes open slowly but immediately close again.

"I'm not hungry."

I mumble and turn onto my stomach, but the realization snaps me awake like a ruler at its breaking point.

"My dad!"

I frantically search my bed for my phone as Namjoon looks on confused.

"Whats the matter?"

I didn't answer as I got up from the bed unsteady on my feet and staggering around my room.

"Phone! I need my phone!"

As if on cue my phone starts to ring, the noise came from the kitchen. I must've left it there when I came home I thought as I rushed to answer it.


"Hey Taelin...Dad didn't make it..Im coming over in a couple hours okay?"

My heart dropped, so this is what the dream meant? He left?


I pressed the little red button and set my phone back down as Namjoon stood looking on from my rooms door way.

"He didn't make it."

My mind was blank, I couldn't process anything at the moment. Thankfully Joon understood and gave me space leaving me to go sit in the living room as I laid back in my bed.

He's not, he can't be. He was just here a week ago? How could this happen? Maybe this is all a bad dream? Am I asleep?

The day had slowly faded into night as she stayed in her bed thinking of her father.

Namjoons POV

Someone began to knock on the door as I got up to use the bathroom.

"Ah perfect timing"

I say sarcastically, I go to the door and unlock to see Chanbyeok standing there with food in his hand.

"Oh hey Chan"

"You're already here I see. "

He gave me a sad smile as he stepped inside and went to the kitchen.

"Has Taelin eaten today?"

I look down and shake my head.

"She didn't want to and I didn't want to force her too you know?"

Chanbyeok nods and takes off his jacket hanging it up in the closet.

"You should probably go home Joon at least until tomorrow, I've got her for tonight."

I nod and head off to the bathroom, I should at least go now so I wouldn't have to suffer on the way home.

"You need to eat Taelin and don't give me that I'm not hungry shit, Joon already told me you didn't eat anything."

Chanbyeoks voice was muffled but stern and cold through the wall, I couldn't hear Taelins response but that was probably for the best, I grab my things and head out hoping she would be okay enough to go to work tomorrow.

Taelins POV

"Please don't yell at me.."

I took the food he gave me and slowly began to eat. Chan sat next to me and also began to eat. He came off as mean and cold but it wasn't like that at all, he's always been this way, he just has a different way of showing his love.

"So what do we do now?"

The question was stupid, I mentally scolded myself for even asking it but he simply answered.

"We remember him, we remember them, and live our lives Taelin. "

He took another bite of whatever he was eating, I could never remember the name of it for some reason.

"It's called a long John, I needed something sweet here."

He broke off a piece and gave it to me.
It was definitely sweet and cream filled, I could see why he ate sweet things when he was sad now, it made you forget with the silent scare of diabetes.


I heard the Ringtone I'd set for Hoseok go off from the kitchen.

"What are you sitting here for go answer it dumbass."

I nod and get up going to get my phone and answering on the last ring.


He was so loud I had to take the phone off my ear until he was done yelling.

"I'm sorry hobi-"

"Don't hobi me right now, what happened why didn't you pick up?"

He sounded extremely upset, I mean could I blame him?

"Look I promise I will tell you everything tomorrow at work.."

It took a while to persuade him to wait but he eventually did and I went back to my room.

"Who was that?"

"That was one of my friends Hoseok."

Chanbyeok nodded and continued to eat patting next to him.

"Finish eating."

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