What A Morning (3)

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"Y/N!" Winston yells for you across the field as you approach him. "Alby wants to see you..." Winston says scratching the back of his neck. "Thanks..." you say, falling him a smile. Most of the boys tried to act polite and kind around you, but right now you were too busy.

You walked into the hut and saw Alby and Newt sitting there already. "So y/n, would you care to explain? It seems that Newt here won't tell me..." He says staring at Newt. You take a seat and there was a moment of silence. "ummm M-Marcus just- he catcalled me." you mutter as Alby gets hit with realization. Of course you don't cry or something, but you do feel weird talking about it to someone who you barely know. "I understand...Newt, two days in the slammer, for still harming another glader...and I'll decide Marcus' later." Alby said as he faced Newt. He nodded and Alby walked out of the room, to attend to other commander things. "So...thanks for what you did back there," you say still not facing Newt. "Well...he was just so annoying..." Newt said as he slowly looked up. You two smile and walk out of the hut and he walks you to your room. You have your own room, because you're a girl and most of the guys, like Newt are jealous that you get your own privacy. "Goodnight luv," he said in his accent as he turned around.

"goodnight newt," you said trying not to blush.

we're you already falling for newt?! It's barely been a week and now you're already falling for people, especially NEWT?! GAAAAAAAH!!

It's been a few days, so Newts out of the slammer, but you still didn't know what happened to Marcus...

You wake up with a rush of pain through your body. You gasp as you let go of the pain. Thomas walks into your room, standing at your doorway. Thomas' room is very near and he's one of your closest friend, so of course he's there. "nightmare?" he asks as he ties his boots. "no...just something...some pain?" you wonder as you plump back onto your pillow. "hey let's get breakfast, we're early so we'll get the best!" he says as he sniffles. You smile and walk with Thomas to breakfast. You yawn loudly and enter the room. You see everyone stare at you and smiling. "oh- umm hey everyone," you say awkwardly as you approach your normal table.

"THOMAS! I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE WERE EARLY!" You say as you punch his chest. "OW! IT'S NOT LIKE YOU LOOK BAD!" Thomas said rubbing his chest, where you hit him. He was right though, you wore your hair in a messy bun and had a t-shirt and shorts on. Plus, you were the only girl, so no one to compare.

You sighed and put your head on the table. "I just wanna go back to bed," "then you'd miss pancake day!" Chuck said grabbing his plate from Frypan and started to dig in. You giggled and got a plate as well. You liked the boys, well only these boys, the boys who made you feel safe. Even if they never escaped, you always had them.

"The doors are opening!" Minho exclaimed as he stood up and motioned for Thomas to get up. "Actually, Minho, I've decided Ben to go with you," Alby said walking in. Alby  always made the most interesting entrances, it was like he was everywhere. Ben was a tall, guy, much like Minho. He walked with Minho to get their backpacks and supply. Thomas sighed in relief, "at least I don't have to go into that death trap!" You always wondered why people hated the maze, I mean it looked so cool and it looked like just a game. "Hey, i've been wondering, what's so scary about the maze?" You asked as you looked at all the boys at the table. They all looked down at their food or pretended to look distracted. "well...there are grievers..." Newt said looking at the other boys. "what? grievers?" You questioned narrowing your eyebrows. "you don't need to worry about it greenie," Thomas said nudging you and looked back at his food. You watched as Minho and Ben ran into the maze and still questioned the mysteries in there.

"We should get going," Newt said tugging on your sleeve. "Y...yeah," you say as you shove the rest of your pancake into your mouth. You wave bye to the rest of the table as they also separate to get to their jobs. You follow Newt to the gardens and get gloves. "Newt! What happened to Marcus?" You ask as you get your shovel. "I dont know, Alby took care of it...i guess," Newt said as he handed you some other supplies. You looked back at the slammer, but no one was there and faced Newt. You're about to ask, but then just grab your shovel and start to pick out the potatoes.

After a lot of work and talking with Newt....

"Isn't it time for them to get back?" You ask as you start to head near the crack of the walls. "Yeah, i think so," Newt said as he followed. A crowd gathers at the entrance, waiting for shadows of the two, but nothing appeared. There were murmurs in the crowd, "are they gone?" "what happened?" "MINHO?! BEN?!" "Were they taken by grievers?" You also started to worry, but you see two figures running toward the crowd. Everyone cheers as Minho and Ben make it back safely, or so they thought...


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