Chapter 24

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Third person POV~
Asta is training outside in the forest. Suddenly a bomb of smoke surrounds him. He breaths in the smoke and falls unto the ground unconscious. A group of people pick him up and takes him. Noelle is looking for asta but can't find him anymore. She starts asking everyone if they seen him. All of them say he's training outside. She looks everywhere in the forest. So she goes and look in his room and the bathroom. He still nowhere to be found. She tells captain Yami that asta is nowhere to be found. He tells her I'll go look for him he probably fell asleep in the forest or something. Yami is searching for him. He finds footprints and the contents of a smoke bomb. He grabs the contents and go back to the hideout.

Noelles POV~
I'm worried about Asta. I hope he's okay. Captain yami comes back and tells all of us asta has been captured. There's no way asta have been captured without a fight. I can't stand here worried while asta is in danger. Captain yami says "tomorrow we will go to royal capital and ask for help from other magic knight squads to help us track him down. I go to my room worried about asta.

Third person POV~
Meanwhile at the hideout of the sally. There's asta laying down tied up to a bed. He wakes up confused about how he got here, why he's tied up, and why he was sleeping. A lady introduces herself. "Hi I'm sally and I'm going to do some experiments on you. Asta tells her "my friends will find me and you will serve for your crimes. She starts taking some of his blood. Then cutting him up not using anesthesia. Asta isn't screaming in pain at all. She's surprised asta isn't screaming in agony. Because she's cut pretty deep that will leave scars. She cuts his eyebrow and his eyelid. He screams "hey why did you have cut my face that hurts". "It's gonna leave a scar". She puts a mask over his mouth and gives him laughing gas. He falls asleep.

359 words

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I'm gonna start doing updates everyday. I had a little of writers block.

Thanks for reading.

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