Chapter 26

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Noelles POV~
I'm sitting by asta waiting for him to wake up. It's getting late and I'm starting to get sleepy. I want to be with him when he wakes up. So I'm gonna sleep right beside him. I lay beside him and fall asleep. In the middle of the night Noelle wakes up to asta moving around in bed. Then his arm goes up Noelle chest. She yelps. Asta hears her and wakes up.

Third person POV~
He says "where am I how am I in my room". He sees Noelle laying beside him. And his arm is on her right boob. He lets go and says he's sorry. Both of their faces are red. Noelle says "I'm glad you are ok". "What happened why did you get kidnapped". "I was training outside and I seen fog". "I started to get sleep and I fell asleep". "After that they tied me up and some woman cut me all over my body and did experiments on me". Noelle is crying and Hugs him. "I'm so glad you are ok I don't know what would have happened to you if the wizard king didn't save you". Asta is shocked that the wizard king saved him. "I love you asta". Asta blushes and says "I love you too Noelle". And they both kiss each other. They cuddle each other and fall asleep.

Asta's POV~
I wake up beside Noelle . My body hurts a lot from those experiments. Noelle wakes up and says "good morning asta". Good morning Noelle. I get up and go make breakfast. I make me and Noelle bacon, pancakes, and waffles for breakfast. When I'm finished I set up the table and give her food. She's enjoying the food I made her. She tells me "thank you for the food". I clean up our mess. I hear a knock on the door. I go answer it and it's mimosa. She runs to me and gives me a hug. I hug her back. I can feel Noelle staring at us. I ask her why she's here and I don't mean to be rude. "I wanted to check to see if you are okay". "And if you need me to heal you or anything you need". My body does hurt a lot. She starts healing me. Five minutes later I'm all healed up but my scars are still there. Thank you mimosa I feel so much better. "I'm sorry I couldn't give rid of your scars". It's okay mimosa. Thank you for healing me mimosa and for coming all this way. "You're welcome asta". She mumbles "anything for you asta". Do you want to go with me to royal capital to the market mimosa .  "Yeah of course". Let me go get Noelle so she can come with us. Mimosa thought she was going to be with asta alone. They all go to royal capital together.

494 words

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