Chapter 30

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Noelles POV~
The woman takes me far into the forest. Then I can hear her running away. She left me with the blindfold on. How am I suppose to help asta. I can't leave him by himself. And how am I suppose to look for help. I can't even see where I'm going. Only my wrists are chained together. So I use my finger to take the blindfold off. I try to look for the hideout that asta was in. I bumped into someone. It's captain yami and he's with Finral. He asks me what I'm doing and why I'm chained up. A woman took me hostage and was about to kill me. "Then why are you here in the forest. Because asta asked me to let me go in exchange. "Well let's go and save him". He cuts the chains with his sword. We follow the footprints the woman left. Finally we reached a tunnel. As we walking I see light. It leads to a underground cellar. We walk in we see the woman and asta. Captain yami grabs the woman by the head."you are coming with us to the royal capital". Captain yami then grabs the keys from the woman hands and unlocks both of our chains."Finral now take us all to the royal capital". We all go to the royal capital. Captain yami takes us the woman to the interrogation room. "You and asta have to answer questions". "Because you both are victims". Ok captain yami. Me and asta stay to answer questions. Twenty minutes later we finally finished answering questions. We go look for Finral and captain yami and go back to the black bulls hideout.

282 words

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday I will probably update another chapter later today.

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