Chapter 1: A night at the club.

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Jack's P.O.V.

Sparkling stars dance in the sky with a dark grey blanketing the sky as the noise of social mingling is present, all while the vibrant colors of the club sprinkle the area. "I've been meaning to take you two here. After all that's been happening I think we deserve a break." Felix told us, being very discreet since of course he can't just spout about the business we work in. Entering the club, we're greeted with dancing individuals, some just standing and talking, others just sitting and drinking.

Out of everything in the club, what catches my eye is the bar filled with people too. "What a shock, an Irish with only beer on their mind." I hear a deep voice joke. I roll my eyes at Mark while still silently chuckling at the joke. Honestly, I'm glad we can have moments like this even with all the nasty business. As I finally focus on the bar again, Felix and Mark beat me there as I was too busy in my own world.

Sitting down, I see Felix orders the type of alcohol he usually does, a glass of scotch of the rocks. "I know I brought you both here for a break but I need your help with something important... Sebastian's hurting the business as you'd know." Felix tells us in a whispering tone. Though it's loud, he whispers in just the right volume for us both to hear and luckily the bartender was further away too along with there being an empty seat next to him. 

"I know. He hurts everyone's business but what can we do? Join him?" Mark asked in sarcasm. "We could try to take him out but I don't know if we should. He has a huge group and if they find out we did it, who knows what could happen." Felix informs which is true. I suddenly have an idea! "What about bribing? Sure, he has more money but what if we have something he doesn't? Or- well.. nevermind..." I stop talking and think of a drink to order before talking any further.

"Uhh.. B-" "No, no, no, no.. what were you going to say?" Felix asks me with curious and glaring eeyes. "I could say it but you won't like it." "Just tell me. You shouldn't keep secrets from me." "Ok... About what Mark said, maybe we could partner up with Sebastian." I whisper but loud enough for them both to hear while My twof friends eyes both have now widened eyes. "But I was just joking!" 

"We can't associate with someone like that! We may not be the best people but there are waters even I won't sink to. My wife would never speak to me again." Felix says but as for me and Mark, I don't think us two would mind if our wives stopped talking to us. "Yeah, but what other choice do we have?" "Like you said, let's just find out away for a bribe. We'll talk about this later. I just can't risk working for that con man." I sigh at Felix's comment but maybe he's right. Sebastian could double cross u- suddenly while looking around with my brown eyes, I notice Will and none other than Sebastian sitting and drinking in a booth along with Nate.

Will's P.O.V.

"But you used to be Denis' (Sorry if I used the term wrong) best friend. Surely you could help me meet him." "No, I refuse to see him anymore. If a friend can't follow you, are they really your friend?" I tell Sebastian, not wanting to see Denis again. "But something weirdly funny happened." He started out. "Some of my group members have mistaked some nobody as one of the other members but really, the guy who looks just like him is in jail. I'm thinking of using him as a replacement unless he doesn't come up to our standards. I'll give him the boot anyway since the worker will be out of jail sometime.

"Couldn't you just keep them both?" Nate asks. "No. I'll probably just shoot him since he might be quick to blab." He casually answers and then takes a sip of his martini. Looking around bored, I then take a drink of my wine but my eyes widen at seeing three certain people. This makes me want to spit my red drink out just from the surprise. "Sebastian, I've gotta go. I need to get back home.

"Why? You just got he- oh. Oh, I see. You can leave if you want, snowflake." Sebastian rudely mocked. "Will, just sit back down. Nothing will happen. You're with me." He continues and I look back and forth between the groups. "Fine, I guess you're right." I sigh before sitting down, thinking of getting a stronger drink to both ease my mind and block out moments when Sebastian says things to make me uncomfortable.

He does that a lot. Sometimes mentions the prostitution part of his businesses just to make me uncomfortable. "You do know where Denis lives, right? Just tell me that and I'll stop asking. Or a phone number? I just need to talk to him " my eyes narrow in irritation. "I respect you as a partner but even I don't feel right about giving that information to someone I hate. And besides, I took his contact off my phone. And I forgot where the address is." I tell the blonde. I'm telling the truth of taking his contact off my phone but I was lying when I said I forgot the address.

(If you have ideas or suggestions, feel free to say.)

(Might be a lot of spelling errors because auto-correct has been going crazy.)

(I know I said I'd only tag people if they asked but I think a lot would've missed the announcement. Sorry if it annoys you.)

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