chapter 1

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(Y/N) - your name

(Y/N) hums a tune as she turns the wheel of her spindle. Her cheek was still stinging flush red from her aunt who slapped her when she refused the man who came to ask her for marriage. (Y/N)s tears fell remembering her suffering living under her but she has to bare it all if it wasn't for her parents demise.(Y/N) was left under her aunts care but she was ill treated like a slave and sold to noble men her aunt have business connections. In her shabby room at the attic she weaves her sorrows but sometimes when she is sad she would dance under the bright moonlight peeking through her window. Her graceful dance was enchanting under the illuminating light of the moon.

During breakfast while Aunt Carmel, Uncle Rufus and their sons dine She told (Y/N) that she found her a suitable husband and warns her not to refuse the wealthy man. (Y/N) couldn't stomach her aunt's cruelty Aunt Caramel exclaimed that she should repay her of the food, clothing and shelter she was provided by using her pretty face. That night as (Y/N) dance under the moonlight half way through she cried and fell to her knees. she could no longer bare the pain and wishes for a way to break free from these chains. Surprisingly her prayer was answered by the moon goddess and shuns a bright light over her then (Y/N) felt strange and soon her hands gradually grew feathers. That night (Y/N) soared through the sky and became a beautiful swan.

She left her Aunts house and flew far away. At the forest she rested from exhaustion, it was her 1st flight moreover she flew too far. She returned back to her human form and her feathers were plucked out of her skin. She pants and leans by the tree unbeknownst to her a bystander found her. (Y/N) wanted to hide and ran away but she fell on her knee from lost of strength. The old woman sauntered towards her and help her up. She took her in her cabin and gave her meal. (Y/N)'s build was so thin like she hasn't eaten properly, the old woman felt sorry for the girl. (Y/N) asked if she wasn't afraid of her the old woman respond with a gentle smile that she was more startled than scared when a swan turned out to be a pretty lady. (Y/N) felt bashful and warm from her kindness.

After a few days the old woman returned back to her home town and left (Y/N) to stay in her cabin but then she rcvd a call to meet her at Morinomiya high. It took awhile but she found the old woman talking to the principal of the school who introduced herself as Youko her old friend. (Y/N) was asked if she was good with kids and chores. (Y/N) was baffled but she honestly answered that she took care of her aunt's kids. (Y/N) was tasked to take care on one of the teachers child. (Y/N) was assured by the old woman that she has nothing to worry.

>>Continue reading to chapter 2>>

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