chapter 3

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(continuation from chapter 2)

While taking the laundry out Hayato sauntered towards her to pass a message from his mother regarding Taka, she is still uncomfortable towards the eldest son that she gets to be distant when he approaches her. Taka the youngest son is a good kid although his a cry baby and loud he would listen right away to (Y/N) and likes her so much. (Y/N) would side for Taka and reprimands Hayato to be gentle at his brother but Hayato would refute that she is spoiling his kid brother.

One time when (Y/N) was at her room stitching she was called out by Shizuka and gave her a bag with a dress inside. It was thanks for getting along with her son's while she was away She was so thankful as she accepts her gift. Shizuka then told (Y/N) to wear it on a special date tomorrow she was baffled at 1st but then agreed. (Y/N) was out at the hero convention with Taka and an annoyed Hayato who was forcibly dragged along by his mother. (Y/N) apologize to Hayato and insist that he can go home, she will take care of getting young master Taka home safely after the event. Hayato scowls at the brat remembering his mother threatening to burn his treasured baseball collection if he will not go with them. He sighs although it's troublesome Hayato has a doting side for his brother.

After the convention the boys went away to buy snacks and while (Y/N) waits for them patiently by the bench a group of men lecherously stares at her and huddles around her asking to join them. (Y/N) politely refuse but they were persistent and suddenly grabs her by the wrist. Hayato came to save her suddenly popping behind glaring daggers at them. The men ran away from fear leaving (Y/N) shuddering in fear. Hayato berates why she didn't bother to scream for help. (Y/N) was naive and perplexed on what to do in that situation that it felt like her time with her cruel Aunt.

(Y/N)'s tears fell remembering her aunt would slap her if she out speak and refuses her. Tears fell on her cheeks making Hayato feel uncomfortable dealing with a crying girl but the innocent little Taka held on her skirt with misty eyes asking her not to cry. (Y/N) hugs Taka and apologies to him suddenly they started bawling in cries getting the attention of on lookers making Hayato more uncomfortable. On the way home, (Y/N) was silently walking beside Hayato who is piggy backing the sleeping toddler. Hayato glance at her telling her to stop sulking as it doesn't suit well with her dress. (Y/N) was taken aback when he said that she's prettier if she's smiling. (Y/N) felt warm and thanks him for what he did back there, she began to giggle when she notice a faint blush on his cheeks before he looks away. From that day (Y/N) felt comfortable with Hayato.

>>Continue reading to chapter 4>>

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