Chapter 7

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(continuation from chapter 6)

Back at Aunt Carmel's mansion her wealthy partisans gathered to witness her nieces engagement. (Y/N) felt disgusted as a middle aged nobleman lecherously eyed her from head to toe and kisses her hand. He asked if he can see her beautiful smile but (Y/N) couldn't even force herself to be merry. She performs a dance to entertain the crowd and after she was finished the nobleman sauntered towards her and bend on one knee asking for her hand. Everyone were in awe of this fairy tale like scene but (Y/N) did not answer and was looking more sad.

Aunt Carmel calls out for (Y/N) who was in daze asking what will be her response. (Y/N) looks up and stares at the crowd who's waiting for her to reply. She opens and closes her mouth stammering a response but fate was on her side when suddenly the door burst open revealing a handsome Hayato on his slim fit black shawl tuxedo walking towards the center of the room. (Y/N) gasped in surprise to see him here.

Hayato pulls her to his arms and declared that (Y/N) is his woman. The crowd gasped and confused of what's happening while the nobleman glances at Carmel for answers but she too was surprised. The nobleman was enrage that Hayato walks in uninvited and rudely declares (Y/N) is his. "(Y/N) has free will to choose who she is marrying. She is too much to be paired to an old coot like you" Hayato scoffed further infuriating the nobleman and called out the guards to take him outside then the old lady friend of (Y/N) march into the room.

All men and women in the room who recognize her bows before her. Carmel was astonished why she came here. (Y/N) and Hayato was baffled of what's going on but it was an opportunity he doesn't want to miss so he carried (Y/N) out of the house and drove through a motorcycle. Back at Aunt Carmel, (Y/N)'s old lady friend told Carmel that she knows about her ploy to subjugate the lands monarchy and she refuse to allow it to happen. She had her forced to renounce (Y/N)'s guardianship if she cares to keep her societal status as Lady. Hayato drives through the dark night back into the hotel his staying. (Y/N) asked if he has driven a motorcycle before which he honestly answer that he hasn't. Hayato internally thought it's like driving a bike maybe.

(Y/N) began to panic and urge Hayato to stop but he refuses glancing at the side mirror towards their pursuer the persistent old coot on his car. Hayato told (Y/N) to hold tight which she did and hugs Hayato as he speeds up and slaloms down hill to lose him. When he was no longer on site (Y/N) can finally say how much she misses him and relieve to see him well. As they arrive at the hotel (Y/N) took a shower and rested by the balcony for some air. Hayato finally came out of the shower and change clothes from his stuffy tux. (Y/N) felt a bit dismayed for she wanted to see him wearing it longer and carve an image in her mind of how hot he looks. Hayato irked and pinches her nose not to tease him. He was only force by that old woman who was so insistent that he wears it. (Y/N) asked what was he doing here he showed her the letter she left.

He doesn't care about her circumstance but he wants her back home since Taka is annoyingly getting tantrums all the time looking for her. (Y/N) giggles remembering the snotty brat. Hopeful eyes stares at his dark orbs wishing what he said back at the mansion was true so she gathered her resolve and confess her feelings for him. Hayato's expression was always unreadable and the longer his silence the louder her heart beats. (Y/N) blushes as he starts to lean forward trapping her between his arms to the railing to capture her lips for a sweet kiss. As they parted (Y/N) wonders if this was his answer  "I'll take that as you love me too?" Hayato smirks and leans his head on the crook of her neck whispering "don't ever forget it".

As they arrive at Kamitani manor (Y/N) was overwhelmed by friends who came to welcome her. Taka jumps to her arms crying (Y/N) apologize for leaving him and promises that she will never run away again. Taka looks up to her and gestured his cute pinky out (Y/N) felt like her heart squeeze how adorable he is. They intertwined their pinkies and she swore never ever to leave. Shizuka was so worried of (Y/N) and hugs her tight even though they are not blood related she still sees (Y/N) as her daughter and asked to let her know if something is bothering her since she has a family who is there for her. (Y/N) with glistening eyes was very thankful.

Shizuka then pushes the drama aside and ask (Y/N) about the juicy news between her and Hayato. She was so shock when he suddenly packed up and booked a flight to chase after her. (Y/N) was flustered so Hayato intercepted and coolly told his mother stop bugging (Y/N) since she needs to get some rest. (Y/N) says that it was fine but Hayato rose a quizzical brow why would she force herself when she was obviously frazzled since the time they check out of their hotel room. (Y/N)'s face flushed red remembering their 1st night filled with fiery desires and heated passion. Like hitting a nail on the head the housewives club realize what Hayato meant from her coy gestures. They began to tease (Y/N) about what she felt on her 1st time the girl was even more embarrass. Hayato got tired of their antics and carried their luggage inside leaving a bashful (Y/N) swarmed by prying housewives.

Years go by and Hayato graduated high school while (Y/N) finished her private lessons under guidance with Queen Regnant Ava her old woman friend and now new guardian. The day of their wedding arrived (Y/N) was sitting by the window reading a book about swan lake. It has been years as well that (Y/N) no longer transforms to a swan. Hayato stepped into the room looking sharp in his white tux. (Y/N) looks at him in awe and giggle at his scowling face irritated about his mother prying his business. He asked what she was doing then (Y/N) showed her a picture book about swan lake. she loves this story when she was a kid, it was sad when Odette lost her prince. She place her book down reaching up to fix his collar and tip toed to kiss his lips "but I'm not a sad swan since I found my ever after prince" he leans his forehead to her and told her to stop reading nonsense fairy tales next time. (Y/N) chuckles and pulls his hand to walk back at the hall where everyone is waiting for the bride and groom.

~the end~

Author's note:
Thanks all for reading hope you enjoyed it. Let me hear your thoughts about this story it would be very much appreciated so that I may stop sulking  😊

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