chapter 2

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(continuation from chapter 1)

Y/N - your name

(Y/N) went to the Kamitani manor and met her masters a scary looking eldest son and a loud youngest son. After introducing herself she learned their names Hayato the eldest seems to not mind her and Taka the youngest son who was clinging to his brother had big curious eyes staring at her. Hayato told her their mom is not yet home and suddenly threw Taka the annoying brat to her arms pointing out the toddler is her's to take care while Hayato is busy with school and baseball club and Shizuka on school work. When Shizuka arrived and met her she was flabbergasted to learn how young and beautiful was her new nanny.

Shizuka was hesitating to take her but (Y/N) was determined and persuade her that she can do all the chores. (Y/N)'s enthusiasm piqued her interest and was glad the principal recommended her. (Y/N) sometimes gets tease by Shizuka pairing her to her son Hayato a hopeless romantic whose love interest is only baseball. Shizuka was looking dazzled from wishful thinking how beautiful will (Y/N) be as a fine wife. (Y/N) was flustered as she look at the said boy who was carrying Taka to the dining table. Shizuka laughs and likes (Y/N) even more to be her daughter in law.

(Y/N)'s daily routine were usually cooking, cleans the house and takes care of the youngest son while the adults are busy. She was asked by Shizuka if she ever had an education. (Y/N) was house taught by her parents before they died after knowing it Shizuka felt sorry for prying but the kind (Y/N) didn't mind. The Kamitani household was very nice to her even offered her to enrol on the same school where Hayato is attending to but she politely declines. She has received enough kindness and she doesn't want to abuse them. Shizuka pat's her head and told how amazing she is, she didn't mean to impose but it's a wasted opportunity not to gain a bit of knowledge about the world. She leave (Y/N) to decide what she'll do for her future and went to work.

>>Continue reading to chapter 3>>

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