chapter 5

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(Cont. from chapter 4)

It was festival around town and (Y/N) sewn her own kimono for the festivities. She look too pleasing that everyone gawks and glances at her making her feel awkward. Shizuka suddenly grabs her and whispered to her ear that she is quite a catch tonight and wishes her good luck. (Y/N) was bashful it was not like what she is thinking then Hayato saunters towards them to get (Y/N) to take care of Taka who was having a fit. Shizuka giggles as she watch her son and (Y/N) banter. They had became closer than the 1st time they met.

It was the season where the baseball competition approaches and Hayato was immersed in training as the Ace of the baseball club. (Y/N) sneaks into the school to bring Hayato's lunch he forgot at home. As she got to school she found Girls surrounding the field squealing and fawning at Hayato. Whilst watching them (Y/N) felt a slight pang on her chest and she doesn't know why. She wistfully gazes at Hayato admiring his figure who is so dedicated to baseball suddenly she felt lonely.

Ryuchi notice her standing by the fences so he called out for her but when he received no response Ryuchi approach (Y/N). (Y/N) gasped and apologies for not noticing Ryuchi. Walking towards home felt heavy after she heard from Ryuchi how popular Hayato is at school, (Y/N) deeply sighs wishing if Hayato could notice her more than just a nanny. (Y/N) soon realize what she just said and felt bashful realising she is starting to form romantic feelings for Hayato. Her cheeks were flushed, bewildered on what to do with these pent up desires.

Hayato came home looking for (Y/N) surprisingly her mother was home early and told him that they went out for temple visit. After she got home with Taka they sneaked into Hayato's room and left the charm on his study desk with the good luck doodled letter from Taka for his baseball tournament. They exchange high fives and grins in fulfillment, As they were about to tip toe out of his room Hayato caught them off guard. His brow knits as he scrutinized the object on top of his desk asking what were they doing. (Y/N) happily told him that it was Taka's great idea to pray for luck so he can win the tournament and play at koushin. Hayato squeezed her cheeks chiding her not to get swayed on the brats ridiculous ideas then he threatens Taka with his fist not to cause trouble on other people.

(Y/N) soon heard the news that Hayato's team won the little boy jumps in glee proud of his big brother. (Y/N) suggest that they watch him practice today so they dress up and went to his school. As they got to the school the field were more surrounded by girls cheering for the team. Taka's face cringe in jealousy and jumps out from her grasp to ran towards the fence. (Y/N) chase after him and jolted her way through the crowd to get Taka back before he gets hurt. Taka finally reach the fence and calls out for his brother. Hayato did notice his brothers high pitch voice amidst the fan girls squealing but ignores the little brat. Taka felt disheartened and bawl into a crying fit but he was soon grab by (Y/N) and walks out of the crowd. (Y/N) tries to comfort her young master who just realized a one sided love from his brother.

At home (Y/N) welcomes Hayato back while She was putting away Taka's toys Hayato was annoyed why he can't return his own toys and ask where he is. (Y/N) told him to give him a break he fell asleep after crying his eyes out. (Y/N) was in disbelief why he can't humour his brother for a little attention. Hayato told her not to spoil him but (Y/N) retorts and told him how much Taka loves him, at least the little one is honest of his feelings she internally thought. Hayato coolly said that he doesn't like nor hate him since their relationship as brothers weigh more than that, his statement gave a quizzical look on her face. After contemplating (Y/N) soon understands and told Hayato his type of thinking cannot be understood by a toddler. Hayato doesn't give a damn if he doesn't understand.

(Y/N) sighs in defeat but she notice him staring at her so She asked what's wrong. He asked if she will come to watch the game (Y/N)'s big orbs gazes at him in wonder. A faint blush dusted his cheeks and soon the heavy silence felt awkward. Hayato turned his heels and walks away. (Y/N) grabs him by the arm grinning at the scowling yet blushing Hayato. (Y/N) giddily responded that she will be there to cheer for him with Taka, Hayato scoffed and went to his room. Their unrenowned team miraculously continued to win every game until they got to the top 8. (Y/N) was flabbergasted that her charm works so well but Hayato rebukes that it doesn't work that way. Although his stern he still kept the charm she gave and always carries it with him. (Y/N) chuckles how sometimes Hayato can be so cute. Hayato tousled her hair when he found her giggling like an idiot. (Y/N) got annoyed and swat his hand away and for the 1st time she saw him smile and it was a bliss.

Hayato was hanging out in her room when she warns him never to get inside nor take a peak. Hayato scrutinized the room filled with feathers then to (Y/N) who was in the middle of embroidery using her feathers. A spindle for weaving fabric and a hand crafted clothe Hayato was amaze how amazing what her hands can do. (Y/N) was taken aback when Hayato suddenly took the piece she's working and plops his head on her lap. Hayato looks up with a gentle smile forming on his lips amused at the expression her face is showing. (Y/N) felt her pulse racing and when Hayato suddenly reach up to tucked a stray hair to her ear she internally screamed in euphoria. Hayato was grateful about the charm, luck can be a skill too but that doesn't matter to him so long as he can play at his best with the team he is with right now. (Y/N) smiled and drapes her hands over his shoulders admiring his passion and cheering for his goal. Soon Hayato doze off which gave her opportunity to place a kiss on his forehead wishing him good luck.

>>Continue reading to chapter 6>>

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