chapter 4

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(Cont. from chapter 3)

It was full moon that time in the middle of the night and (Y/N) was out in the back, unbeknownst to her Hayato saw her sneaking out and followed her. As she settles to a place where the light of the moon shined brightly down on her she starts dancing with grace and beauty that mesmerized Hayato who was hiding behind the thicket. After a few moments Hayato was dumbstruck when (Y/N) turned into a swan and flew away.

The next morning he looks at her suspiciously, (Y/N) felt agitated from his intense gaze while she prepares their meal. Shizuka who finally had a rest day ask Hayato why is he glaring at (Y/N). (Y/N) starts on her 1st chore of the day and that's to tend the garden that was left uncared Hayato came to ask (Y/N) where was she last night. While she was cutting the roses to decorate the hallway she replied that she was at her room sleeping. Hayato scowled and did not push an answer then walks off. (Y/N) was left baffled why he asked, the truth is she was out to meet her friend the old woman. They had a little chat and soon she left before morning comes.

Hayato was in daze at school which worried Ryuchi his friend so he came to ask what troubles him. Hayato bluntly exclaimed that he doesn't understand a girl's mind, bystanders who had a huge crush on Hayato were making a fit who was the girl he was referring. Ryuchi reminds him to show a little consideration specially he is quite popular to the girls in class but Hayato doesn't give a care then props his head with his hand and looks at the window contemplating. When he got home he found (Y/N) playing with Taka he stares in wonder at the maiden turning swan. (Y/N) notice him standing by the door welcomes him home and asked if everything is alright.

The night of the full moon came and (Y/N) was joyfully dancing over the puddled water, slowly feathers grew on her arms. (Y/N) immediately stop dancing when she notice Hayato has been standing in the open looking at her. She wildly flaps her wings causing winds and feathers to sway and Hayato to guard his eyes. She took the opportunity to ran back to the house but Hayato was quick to pursue her. He pulls her by the wrist to explain what's happening but (Y/N) didn't answer instead she insist that he saw nothing and forget everything that happened today.

Hayato began to get angry and demands her to tell the truth. She turns to glance at him with misty eyes and plead him not to get scared after knowing the truth. After letting her go She showed him how she transforms to a swan and waited for his reaction. Hayato only had a deadpan expression there was no shred of disgust nor fear. (Y/N) was taken aback and transforms back to her human form. she asked if he was scared of her but he responded back with a quizzical look. What is it to fear on a woman changing to a swan Hayato thinks she's being ridiculous to hide her special condition. (Y/N) giggles and pulled him towards her, Hayato almost trips trying to move on her pace swaying in circles. Hayato got annoyed and told her to stop but (Y/N) grins in glee urging him to waltz with her. He was a bit irritated but then sighs in defeat and they continued until it was late and went to bed.

>>Continue reading to chapter 5>>

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