chapter 6

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(continuation from chapter 5)

It was semifinals and the seats were all occupied to watch Morinomiya highschool baseball club turning miracles but a bad omen shook the audience from their seats. (Y/N) and Taka had a look of horror when they received word that the Morinomiya highschool baseball team were caught in an accident on the way to the venue.

Shizuka and his friends came right away after hearing what happened. Taka was crying so much after seeing his brother got hurt (Y/N) had misty eyes comforting the little boy. When the doctor came out declaring Hayato's condition they were so relieved that he is no longer in danger but is currently unconscious and needs some rest. Shizuka took Taka with her and asked (Y/N) to take some rest the poor girl was still trembling from shock.

At the hospital lounge she found a familiar face and followed it until they got to a place with lesser crowd. When they're finally alone (Y/N) asked what her aunt was doing here. Aunt Carmel's eyes glints with fury why she left home. (Y/N) refuse to go back with her if that is what she came for Carmel was perplexed why would she be so fixated with that boy. Aunt Carmel is aware how stubborn she is so she came prepared with a leverage that she can't refuse. She told her that her beloved's accident was one of her ploy after knowing this (Y/N) felt a churn in her stomach. The look of disgust over her belligerent Aunt was written all over (Y/N) face. Although she has a vile personality her Aunt is quite reasonable, in exchange for leaving the Kamitani's alone (Y/N) must do her bidding.

(Y/N) was sitting beside Hayato's bed and held his injured hand. Before she leaves she wants to have a glimpse of the man she loves. A tear fell as she left a kiss on his lips and placed a letter address to him under his pillow. When Hayato finally awakes he was furious to learn that (Y/N) left without saying a word to him but a letter containing how sorry she felt that he got caught in her problem. As he  got out of the hospital he starts training and swinging his bat violently glaring daggers to anyone who approached him.

Ryuchi was worried for his friend so he went to talk to him. Ryuchi confronts Hayato to be honest about his feeling for (Y/N). his worried for (Y/N) too who has gone missing but he knows how much Hayato deeply cares for her. Hayato finally stops swinging his bat and cursed himself for having no idea where she is and where to begin looking then suddenly an old woman stood behind them startling Ryuchi. She was (Y/N)'s friend, she told them where (Y/N) is but before she provides the location she asked Hayato what is (Y/N) to her. His answer was satisfying and brought a smile on her wrinkly face and  offered to help him meet (Y/N) again.

>>> Move to chapter 7

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