Chapter 1

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(Yay, new fanfic! Hopefully by keeping these chapters shorter, I'll have an easier time writing them. It's hard to keep reaching at least 3,000 per chapter, especially when you've already hit the cliffhanger and you've stretched everything out.)

"I brought tacos! Oh, and ambrosia, for my dearest friend Dream!"

Blue announced his arrival rather loudly, though the two who were there were used to it. He was more based off of a Papyrus than a Sans, after all. They tended to talk really loudly, especially the more emotional they got. In his hands he was carrying a picnic basket which had wrapped up tacos and a container of ambrosia. Behind him, Carrot and Shamrock waved farewell to him. With the portal that connected the Doodle Sphere to the Omega Timeline closed up, there was nothing to worry about.

Not that there would've been, anyway, because the Star Sanses and the Omega Timeline were on good terms with each other. They weren't allied with each other, as CORE!Frisk was a neutral character, and the Omega Timeline was supposed to be a safe haven for the survivors of destroyed AUs and genocide timelines. The only hypothetical situation where the Omega Timeline would get involved with conflict was if the Multiverse was on its last legs. And as long as the Star Sanses were around, that would never happen!

He joyously skipped over to where Dream was. The guardian of positive feelings was keeping a close eye on the AU files, swiping the screen before him to check the numerous timelines and AUs. He glanced over at him for a moment as he came up, but was quick to redirect his attention back to the AUs. Blue didn't mind this, he knew how important of a job it was, not to mention how seriously Dream took his duties. He opened up the basket and handed Dream the container of ambrosia.

"How have the AUs been?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"They've been stable. Nothing has changed as far as I've seen," Dream replied. "Though I'm sure Ink would be able to find something."

"Where is he, anyway? He's usually the one doing this."

"He's... somewhere. He was just over there a few minutes ago, but I don't even know how long it's been since I last checked. Um, I think he was working on repairing an AU."

"This early? I'm no expert when it comes to AUs or what it takes to make them and all, but I know it really drains him of his energy."

"Yeah... I'm worried that, if something does happen, he won't be at his best...."

"Hey, no need to worry, friend! This is Ink we're talking about-- the protector of the AUs! The creator of the Doodle Sphere! The one who stubs his toe and doesn't cry out!"

"Hey, I don't cry out!"

"What are you talking about? You scream like a little girl!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"What are you two arguing about?"

Dream and Blue shut up when they heard the third voice pitch in. They turned around and saw Ink coming close to them, one of the AUs in his hands. Blue perked up at the sight of him, standing back up from the ground. He ran up to him and threw his arms around him, squeezing him tightly. Ink hugged back at an awkward angle, using the arm that wasn't being crushed by Blue, which was the same one holding the AU.

"I'm happy to see you too, Blue," Ink grinned. "What did I miss? I left and everything was fine, I come back and you two are arguing about something."

"Does Dream scream like a little girl?" Blue asked, which earned a glare from Dream.

"I'm telling you, I don't!" Dream hissed.

"Err... well.... I don't...." He stammered, fumbling with his scarf. "Oh! Let me check my scarf! Maybe I wrote something down...."

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