Chapter 6

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After what felt like hours of feeling like an emotional wreck - which in reality was just half an hour - I asked (BF/N) to leave, wanting to have some time alone in which I could try to cope up with all the things that are happening and boost some confidence in me.

I took a deep breath and left the girls' bathroom. I don't know if this day could get any worse but as I passed the great hall, Cedric seemed to notice as he stopped talking to Harry and jogged towards me.

And like the foolish person I was, I tried to avoid him and tried to saunter (which I failed horribly) the other way, well, that didn't work as he grabbed my arm, turning me around to face him and putting a halt to my "saunter".

He stared deep into my eyes as if reading my soul and then carefully asked "Why did you run?"

I gently pried my arm out of his grasp and shrugged, looking away and avoiding his eyes.

"Something is up. What is it?" he asked, trying to look at me.

"Nothing is up, Cedric," I said and started to walk away before he grabbed my wrist and came to stand before me.

"You're hiding something from me," he said. I whipped my head up to stare at him, his words were said with such an emotion as though we were best friends or something more for so long.

"Hiding something from you?" I repeated softly, and shook my head, "You have never known me, Cedric; every casual detail of me is hidden to you"

I gently removed his grip from my wrist all the while staring into his striking grey orbs.

I smiled warmly placing a hand on his chest, "Congrats"

That was the last word I had spoken to him and on every occasion, he tried to speak to me - which I didn't find a reason why he would - I ignored him and I felt a huge amount of guilt every time I did that.

The next time I saw him was today, surrounded by his own fangirls. I caught his eyes and my heart clenched. Every once in a while a strong unknown emotion passed through his grey orbs within the mere seconds we locked eyes.

I quickly looked away but I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was still staring at me until his attention was grabbed by one of the sixth-year girls.

I was in no mood for anything currently, I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry in my dorm even if I dunno why but isn't it obvious.

The Slytherins were wearing their potter stinks badge and the Hufflepuffs generally hated all of the Gryffindors but there is no way I am going to say it's their fault.

"Want one, Granger?" I heard Malfoy say, holding out a badge to Hermione. "I've got loads. But don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see; don't want a Mudblood sliming it up."

I punched him square in the face, and since I was pretty much like a passerby, the move was a surprise and took a toll on him as he fell onto the ground, his nose bleeding.

I pulled him up by the collar and pointed my wand at his adam's apple. I glared at him and all I could see in his eyes was fear and...disgust.

I punched him again and pushed him back as he clutched his nose but raised his wand pointing straight at me which I reciprocated.

Harry was at my side pointing his wand at Draco and fired curses at each other at the same time.

My eyes were wide; I had raised my wand just to keep that Malfoy feared not to hex him.

The curses were deflected and hit Hermione in Harry's side and Goyle in Malfoy's side.

"Hermione!" shouted Ron as he hurried towards her.

"And what is all this noise about?" said Snape from behind us and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and kept glaring at Malfoy.

"Potter attacked me, sir —"

"We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry shouted, I placed my hand on his arm.

"Don't try. It's useless"

"— and he hit Goyle — look —"

"Hospital wing, Goyle," Snape said calmly.

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron said. "Look!"

"I see no difference." He said, coldly.

I bit my inner cheek to stop myself from saying anything that I would regret but to Ron and Harry that didn't matter as they did no such thing and started yelling incoherently at Snape.

"Ah, let's see sixty points from Gryffindor and detention each for Potter, (Y/L) and Weasley. Now get inside, or it'll be a week's worth of detentions."

I rolled my eyes as I entered the classroom.

The daily prophet had a serious effect on everyone. The Slytherins began mocking Harry and Hermione even worse, the Hufflepuffs generally began to despise Gryffindors even more considering Cedric's name wasn't even there (I was mad too but hey!)The Ravenclaws just hated us (dunno why though) and the students from both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons didn't like the school as a whole taking the fact their champions' names were squashed in the last line and misspelled.

I didn't read the paper at all but (BF/N) mentioned it to me often and each time when she said the champions' names were misspelled all I could think was: How and what?

As I walked down the corridor I met a few sixth-year Hufflepuff girls glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed past them and turned around the corridor.

Cedric stood there uncomfortably, his fans swarming around him with a copy of daily prophet and I swear I saw hurt in his eyes when he saw Harry's picture in the main page of the paper. But again why wouldn't he be hurt.

I cleared my throat as that group turned around to scowl at me. I paid heed to nothing but Cedric's pleading wide grey eyes.

"You're blocking the way" I beckoned him to act along.

"Yeah," he said, stepping away from them, "And I am really late for my class too."

I smirked as I fell in pace next to him. "So, who was the damsel in distress now?"

He stared at me incredulously. "You can't just ignore, no, avoid me and then come back and talk like we're friends, (Y/L)"

"Look, Cedric, I was just upset about something and the general concept of the tournament appalls me."

"Then why ignore," he grimaced, "Avoid me?"

"Cedric, I am sorry, the idea of me being like that to you was not something I imagined to happen," That was only partly correct; I had totally expected me to react this way.

He looked as if he considered my apologies. "You were the first damsel in distress, love"

Despite the wide grin plastered on my face, I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Diggory"

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