Chapter 9

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Tomorrow night was the occasion that everyone except me had been waiting for - Yule ball.

I have not been asked by anyone yet but (BF/N) was asked but she declined it for a certain someone.

"That bastard," (BF/N) hissed as she walked down the corridor with me as we witnessed Cedric asking Cho to the ball that morning.

I chuckled. "Calm down, (N/N). Wait, did you want him to ask you?"

"Ew, no, I wanted him to ask you but it seems that he is way more stupid than I thought."

I laughed. "(BF/N), calm down, even I am not that mad. I mean I don't even care"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" That was an utter lie, maybe I was a wee bit jealous.

"Again, why do you act as if he annoys you?" She wondered loudly.

I cleared my throat and leaned down to whisper in her ears. "I am going to reveal my deepest secret"

Pausing for dramatic effect, "Denial is the first step towards love."

I said and took a sprint to the great hall and collided against someone's back.

Knowing it all too well, I looked up to see a grinning Cedric. "How is it that things like this always happen?"

"Well, maybe because you're standing in the middle of the great hall."

"If I am right you came and collided into me"

"I wouldn't have done it if you weren't standing here like a tree here"

"So, you collide against trees every often I guess"

"Why is that today your being extra cocky"

He smiled and shrugged. "I honestly dunno how you got into this tournament, Diggory"

"Hm, maybe they sensed my good heart and handsome features"

"Handsome features? Really?"

"What don't you agree?"

"I would have if it didn't inflate your already enormous ego"

Ron burst into the common room startling me and (BF/N). "I did a mistake!" He yelled.

"What!?" We asked due to basic human courtesy.

"I asked Delacour"

I gasped melodramatically. "Oh my! Then?"

"I got scared and ran away before she could reply"

I tutted sympathetically. "It's alright. So, do you have a date now?"

Horror took over his face as he came and sat beside (BF/N). "No"

"Well, (BF/N) here also doesn't have a date," I said with a smirk on my face.

His eyes widened as he looked at (BF/N) who was glaring daggers at me.

"Yes!" He came and kneeled before her, "Will you go to the ball with me?"

I bit back a laugh as (BF/N) stared at Ron with wide eyes and a blush covering her face.

She glanced at me asking me a silent question: what should I say?

I shrugged as she regained her composure and shook her head no.

"I am not going with you as a last resort." She said as she collected the books in her arms and walked to the dorm.

I stared at her, pride blooming in my chest as I followed her, not before seeing hurt flicker in Ron's eyes.

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