Chapter 21: Mama O'Malley

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Mama O'Malley came into the hospital with complications from having her gallbladder removed from another hospital. "As you know your mother in law is here and since she's family it would compromise you and George being on her case so who would you like to be in her case?" Dr. Bailey asked George and I both. "Meredith." We both replied at the same time. "Good choice." She replied to us both and going to find Meredith. We took Olivia in to see her grandma and spend some time with her before her scheduled surgery. "Look at this beautiful girl." She cooed to her. "She has George's eyes and curly hair but looks like me." I said to her. "I'm so happy I'm able to spend time with my granddaughter, I just wish Harold was here to see her. He would of adored her." She replied. "He really would of." George replied back. When it was time for her surgery, we took Olivia back to the daycare and waited patiently to hear news about her surgery. George and I sat down in the waiting room chairs, holding hands and my head on his shoulder. "Everything will be okay." I told him. "I know it's just the last time I lost my dad and I can't go through that again." He replied looking at me. "You won't I promise, Mer won't let anything happen to her. Nobody will." I reassured him. "That's one of the reasons why I love you, you know how to make me feel better." He replied giving me a kiss making my stomach feel like I have butterflies. "I love you too George so much." I replied back. A couple of hours later, I was awoken by George who had the news about his moms surgery. "I just talked to Mer, her surgery went good, 0 issues, she's in recovery and we can see her later." He said to me. "Oh George that's so wonderful!" I replied excitedly giving him a hug. We went back to work, and ended the day bringing Olivia to see Louise. "I'm so glad my surgery went well, now I will be able to see my granddaughter grow up." She said to us cuddling Olivia. "Hopefully in the future there will be more grandchildren." I said to her seeing her eyes light up. "Oh I hope so, Olivia will need someone to grow up with" she replied back. I looked at George who was smiling, we talked about having more kids when Olivia is a little older. We weren't sure how many yet but we both wanted a lot.

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