My inability to cope in the real world has me imprisoning myself, taking shelter in loneliness, an empty room.
The exposure to humanity has me living in ruins, as each word prevails, my heart aches,
Remarks that have me living in fear, as the world is filled with monsters that claim to love, while exchanging vile smiles,
Beautified with reddened lipsticks and whitened teeth, enough for a being of innocence to be led astray,
Freshly made, moulded by a mother of peace, warmth and inner beauty,
However, that does not last for much longer,
Yet imprisonment could bring it back to life,
To existence, as my hands dirty themselves with the land of evil, something my pure nature cannot bare,
Therefore an inner war prevails, leading to an inability to escape my norms as I live in imprisonment, hoping to be set free, to a world of difference.