A romantic date between two inseparable lovers,
However, he brought along a friend, a friend in search of a treasured love story experienced in a world next door to his, and I, a perfect candidate,
Suggested by a dear friend,
Aware of my self deplore nature,
A promised fascinating evening,
A double date,
One I have dreamt of having, all summer long, and as a taxi releases me,
Tiny drops of rain run themselves throughout my body, a sign, as it is almost time.I head inside, and you, my dear friend,
You wave at me and as I run to you.
Your lover, along with his friend, stand, united, running their eyes on me in hopes of finding some beauty, and your willingness to save me distracts them,
Not that it washes them away from their search,
Their seek, and each stare triggers my self deplore nature,
Battling with acceptance,
Battling with your yearn to beautify me in an attempt to end my humiliation,
In an attempt to end my misery, and it could possibly be too late, but not enough to try.I take a seat, so does everyone else,
However, in a rather uncomfortable manner,
Enough to trigger the hurricane filled in my eyes, one more poke and the restaurant is flooded with my sadness,
A hurricane of tears, and I take off, as I have humiliated myself plenty,
For romance, for a double date, one that crumbled me up and tore me into pieces.