17. Trap in the Maze

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We fade in to the next scene, where we see the close up on Barb. We zoom back, as she wake up. Then she got up and notice, that she and DJ Suki were in a dark cave. She turn on the light in her hair, and crawl over to DJ Suki and wake her up.

Barb: DJ. Wake up, wake up!

DJ Suki: (Yawns) Huh? (She woke up too, then she was shocked as she turn on the light in her hair. She and Barb look around and see that there were lost in the mirror maze.) What happen? Where are we?

Barb: I don't know. But something tell me that Poppy witch was playing me for snap.

DJ Suki: But that isn't Poppy. My friend Poppy can't be evil. I think that witch has something to do with the Real Poppy.

And then they heard laughter from Vanessa's Sidekick. And they both look around.

Barb: Who.. who's there?

Bomb-Jaw reflections appears on the walls as the two trolls got scraped.

Bomb-Jaw: Ohhhh, lookie here! More visitors!

DJ Suki and Barb: Agggggggggh!

Bomb-Jaw: Welcome to the mirror maze! Where... Well you know the rest.

Barb: Who are you?!

Bomb-Jaw: Why, I am Bomb-Jaw! The Queen's Personal Assistant. And a regular pop troll from the past.

DJ Suki: Bomb-Jaw? (Notice) The Bomb-Jaw?! The Bomb-Jaw from our village. I knew it.

Barb: Knew what?

DJ Suki: I notice this troll before. (To Bomb-Jaw) You were in our village.

Bomb-Jaw: CORRECT!!!

DJ Suki: Cause we know about you. You were the worst! Your talent is to sing some goofy songs that make all the trolls have ear worm in their head. The last time we saw you, you were in Poppy's Coronation Party.

Then we see a flash back of Bomb-Jaw performing a song on stage, while she run around with a stool wheel.

Flash Back Bomb-Jaw:
"And Then I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide"

But the other trolls didn't like it as they boo and hiss at her.

A Angry Troll: (To Bomb-Jaw) Get off, you eight legged Bum!

Flash Back Bomb-Jaw:
"At last we're face to face
And as we-"

Then all the trolls started throwing tomatoes and cupcakes, punches, and weapons at her, and she falls and fly off the stage.

Then we were back to the same scene.

DJ Suki: You were terrible! Just like before the bergen chef found us!

As Dramatical music appears.

Bomb-Jaw: Yes, I will never forget it you know! But, That's not the point. The reason is why your down here, is gonna be the end of your lives. Once our Queen Vanessa marries Branch, then she will be able to take all the colors in the world! Even your friends! Cause now, our Queen is playing Poppy.

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