27. The Real Wedding

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In a flash translation, we enter the next scene, where today is the big and real wedding. Everything take place this Sunday Afternoon, where all the Troll Colony were inside the wedding ceremony pavilion, where all trolls from the kingdom all came, the Techno, Pop, Classical, Funk, Country and now The Hard Rock Trolls Join too. With all the trolls dressing up so fancy. Even Poppy's Friends dress up nicely again. And so does Queen Barb who dress up in her rock concert outfit. And DJ Suki is wearing a shining sparkle diamond dress, And Branch has wore his Tuxedo suit again, while DJ Suki fixes his bow tie to see if it's all right. Even Cloud Guy and His family were there at the wedding too. And it is. As every one was all here for this moment to come.

With Meadow Sprigs smiles and she began to play the organ and with Fuzzbert and his mates blow the horn to play Wagner's "Bridal Chorus". All the troll colony turn, The door opens and the flower troll kids, Keith, Priscilla and CJ Suki skips down the carpet, throwing flowers along the carpet with Poppy walking behind them with her flowers in her hand, and Branch begin to Whispered To himself saying "Whoa", as she looks beautiful in her over the shoulder wedding dress.

DJ Suki: (To Branch) Seriously, though. I don't know why you hang out with the Queen of the Dark Water Trolls and all, and wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Poppy to marry you?

Branch: (As he answered to DJ) Well, Poppy said "That true happiness is possible. And True happiness is a lot closer than I believe." (As he point to his heart to know the truth.) And It's right here, For our true love. (As DJ Suki was so proud of that)

For Barb, when he whispered to his dad, "Look likes, I'm gained a neighbor", as the hard rock trolls were proud of that. Even the Trolls kids were so proud of that, when they take their seat. Even Biggie was so proud of Poppy too, when he had tears in his eye, while Smidge pull a Umbrella up. Then Poppy stand next to Branch, as the ceremony started to begin.

King Peppy: Ladies and Gentle-Trolls, and dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the union of my daughter, who was a princess in our village, and became a queen who listens and become a hero in our colony. The lovely and the real Queen Poppy, and her best friend, Branch.

Poppy: (To Her Father) I think "boyfriend" is fine, Dad. (Her father was surprised but agreed anyway)

King Peppy: Hm. And her "boyfriend" Branch. They have save us all once again, from the forces of darkness. And bring sunshine to our peaceful land and our world. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. So if they are no longer vows here, we shall continued for this final moment. (To his daughter) Poppy, my dear. Do you take Branch as your great husband, for as long as you both shall live?

Poppy: (Answers) Yes. For all the trolls in our colony. And for the honor my village, I do. For evermore.

King Peppy: (To his son-in-law Elected) And do you, Branch, take my daughter in safe care, as your lovely and true wife. And to protect her form any cost at all. As you both will live?

Branch: (Answers) Yes. I do. Far longer then forever.

King Peppy: Then by the power festered in me. To all trolls and bergens out there, and to your mothers. (As he starts a cue to the hard rock trolls, as Barb begin to do a guitar sound wave but very slowly) May we have the ring please?

As Riff hold out the cushion of Branch's Ring. Then Branch took the ring and place it on Poppy's figure. As the music song of "It's All Too Much" by George Harrison was played in the background, some flying critters place upon two crowns on Poppy and Branch's head and a cape behind them. And Poppy's Father finished the speech.

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