The Accords

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Chapter Two

With the exception of Bruce who was declared missing in action, since Ultron. As well as Thor.

The team and I sat at the meeting hall as the Senator performed; his presentation on the Sokovia Accords.

"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt." "But, while a great many of people see you as heroes; there are some... that would prefer the word vigilantes."

He then goes on to portray; the casualties from the New York attack, the collision of the hover carriers in Washington, D.C. and lastly Sokovia when Ultron lifted an entire city.

"Okay, that's enough." Steve exhales.

The Senator continues to speak. "For the past four years you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision." "That's an arrangement the governments of the world, can no longer tolerate."

He then hands us a thick book labeled 'Sokovia Accords Framework for the Registration and Deployment of Enhanced Individuals.'


"We need to be put in check, whatever form that takes!" Tony exclaims. "If we can't accept limitations, we're boundless, we're no better than the bad guys." He concludes.

I couldn't help but to agree. I wasn't active on the team yet because; it was a wiser decision to complete my secondary education. Before getting involved in training for, the Avenger Initiative. Their job was extremely dangerous and a majority of times there were casualties. Whether, it was themselves or civilians around them. So, I pretty much lived as normally as a meta human could. I kept my enhanced abilities and my life at the Avengers Facility a secret.

"Tony, someone dies on your watch you don't give up." Steve speaks up.

"Who says we're giving up?" Tony answers.

"We offer not taking responsibility of our actions; we may not be perfect but, the safest hands are still our own." Steve replies.

"If we don't do this now, it's gonna be done to us later." Tony warns.


What I didn't realize when I agreed to the Accords was, how it tore us apart.

Steve was determined to save his best friend Bucky. From being wrongly prosecuted; for the murder of King T'chaka and several other innocent people.

In doing so, he formed his own team against us. Steve had his friend Bucky, Sam, Clint, Wanda and a guy named Scott Lang.

I was deeply hurt that Tony asked me to come to the airport. If only I had known, I wouldn't be fighting against the people I basically considered family.

Not to mention, they were extremely outnumbered.

A new member dressed in a red and blue suit swung in. Stealing Cap's Shield before, introducing himself quite awkwardly.

But, strange enough I found him oddly familiar. I took a good glance at him before he hollered. "Wait, Madeline?"

"Parker?" I replied.

"You know him?" Tony gestured towards Peter with his thumb.

"You recruited a kid from, the same school I attend?" I complain.

"Okay, now is not the time- suck it up; we can discuss it later." Tony dismisses.
I sigh out of annoyance.

"Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Tony draws his attention to Steve.

"-And there are five more Super Soldiers just like him." Steve interrupts.

"Steve, you know what's about to happen." "Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Natasha advises.

"I'm trying to keep- I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart." Tony exhales.

"You did that when you signed it." Steve comments.

Sam whispers to Steve. "What do we do Cap?"

"We fight." Steve answers, before running towards us. 

Out of shock I remain on the same spot while; everyone else on our side runs toward Cap's team.

I pretty much defended myself and everyone else on our side; from attacks rather than attacking anyone myself.

It hurt to see us torn apart like this because, I also saw both sides. Tony fought for the cause of; preventing unnecessary casualties, when saving the world. Steve realized the superficiality of saving the world, without some sort of casualties; and he stood up for his friend.


After Uncle Rhodey was hit, disabling his suit, thus colliding to the ground; from over a hundred feet. I was sent back to the facility. However, Tony was going after Steve and Bucky after their quick getaway whilst; everyone was fighting.

Everyone one on Cap's team were now considered war criminals; and were held in a heavily guarded institution."

Our facility felt so cold and empty, we became scattered in just a blink of an eye.


(Author's Note): Was anyone else upset that Rhodes/ War Machine (Don Cheadle), has to use a device to walk? Now that he's paralyzed from the waist down.

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