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Chapter Fifteen

Madeline's POV

It's been over a week. I was more than glad, to have Peter back into the facility. But, it felt like something was missing. He basically remembers everything up to the events of; the battle with Thanos and Tony's funeral. But, he had no idea that he decided to officially move into the facility.


"So, do you plan on telling him you guys were a thing?" Wanda pulls the blanket back on her shoulders.

We were huddled up in the living area watching Twilight; munching on Top ramen, seasoned with Paprika.

"I don't know; I don't wanna scare him away, you know?" I reply.
"That's understandable." She remarks.


I stood in the receptionist area of the facility, looking out to the field. I spotted a tree which; looked just like the one Peter gave my necklace under. I looked away.

I was just about to head back up, when Peter walked in.

"Hey." He smiled.
"Hi." My voice cracks, then I clear my throat.

"I was wondering if I could take a tour the facility?" He suggests.

"Maybe, it might jog my memory." He concludes.

"Yah, of course." I accept.


We strolled for about half an hour.
We were outside at this point, looking out to the field.

"So, what was it like living with me for over a year?" Peter places his hands in the pockets of his cardigan.

"Well, I've lived around adults for basically my entire life; except for school." I explain.
"So, it was nice to finally have someone my age around."

"Did we get along?" He raised an eyebrow.
I couldn't help but to chuckle. "Yah we did, very well."

"That's a really cool necklace by the way." Peter remarks.

"Thanks." I exhale.


(Author's Note): This was a huge test for Maddie and Peter.

Do you think they'll be okay? Tell me in the comments.

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