Chapter 10

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Skeletor watched as Beast Man ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Panthor walked to his side rubbing their head against his knees. Skeletor repaying in kind with a pat on the head. It was a humiliating sight. His Evil Warrior was reduced to a power battery. Sure it was on his orders, but the details didn't matter. It just reminded him of the bungling bunglers he had surrounded himself with over the years.

How he wished he commanded more than just these idiots. Skeletor wished to command legions. Weapons of mass destruction. Troopers that could go toe to toe against the Eternian armies, instead of just the usual raids and robberies he had been reduced to. An army, a real army, that would have been something.

Eternia would be his, instead he squallered and Randor got the glory, as things seem to have always been.

"Uh boss! W-What's the point of this again?" Beast Man grunted as he kept running.

"The point is to stop whining and keep moving!" Skeletor blasted him with his havoc staff, "Now stop asking stupid questions and obey!"

"Dang this thing needs a lot of power" Trap Jaw stated as he watched Beast Man go, "What is it anyway"

"My Supercomputer!" Tri-Klops declared with much bravada, "One of my most greatest inventions yet"

"Der, it has a lot of pretty lights" Clawful pointed to all the buttons on it.

Tri-Klops groaned, "Well of course it does, that's why it's called a SUPER computer, and not a regular computer. Hence the difference"

"Silence all of you!" Skeletor shouted, continuing to focus on charging on the device, "We must focus on charging this device so that I may begin the next phase of my plan!"

The Supercomputer, Tri-Klops latest in a long line of inventions. It was located in the deeper catacombs of Snake Mountain. It was something being worked on now for many years. Mostly built out of the scraps of technology they were able to stead for the Eternian military. The device itself was never activated for it needed a vast amount of power. Power that could be generated by a man made storm. Beast Man provides the charge necessary to create such a thing.

Skeletor and the others waited patiently for the storm device to charge and hit the supercomputer main power supply. Beast Man being the perfect one man battery to do such a job.

"Don't worry boss, I will have this thing up and running in no time" Tri-Klops boasted with pride, "My super-computer is probably one of my most greatest inventions"

"And I'm helping the boss!" Beast Man continued to run as fast as he could, "See boss, look, I'm helping, I'm helping!"

"Silence Beast Man!" Skeletor shouted at him, "No one wants to here your prattling...It's making me lose my concentration"

If Skeletor had eyes he would role them. Beast Man slavish devotion while useful was also quite pathetic. Quite frankly all of them were to various degrees. Trap Jaw constantly with his inventions always hoping to show off and impress. Trap Jaw and his mix of muscle bound superiority complex and militaristic jargon. Only Evil-Lyn ever showed skill in the ways of evil. She was always quite the sinister conniving sort.

It almost made him proud...Almost.

"Once the super computer is up it will be able to track Etheria's space coordinates" Tri-Klops continued to explain, "Allowing us to go there, once we get proper transportation"

"We better" Skeletor hissed, "I have grown tired of your useless inventions over the years, so consider this a good chance for redemption"

Tri-Klops sighed, "You used to love my adventures boss"

"That's back when I thought I was going to take over Eternia sooner rather than later!" Skeletor looked at the book he was holding in his hand, "In the meantime though, while we have little on Etheria, we do now have the means to get there"

"Yeah!" Trap Jaw nodded, "Uh...H-How exactly, not like we have a space ship or anything, unless mister inventor here made one"

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