Chapter 11

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Catra felt her head start to ache as her eyes slowly opened. Her body though continued to ache as she tried her best to get up.

"Melog!" She looked around but couldn't find anything. Her hand felt the ground, it was hard and rock.

The last thing she remembered was talking to Scorpia in the middle of the forest near the Eternian Castle, only for then Entrapta to run towards them, Hordak right behind. Then, then they were knocked out by some sort of robot, and that was the last Catra could recall before everything went dark. Though as soon as she wolk up, the wave of emotions she had been feeling before came back, now mixed with her survival instincts that were kicking in. Claws came springing.

Catra looked around in the dark trying to see where everyone was. As she looked around she found herself completely alone in this dark place. There wasn't the sight of anyone. However she could definitely see people moving around her, shadows.

Her body stiffened.

Flashes of the past came to her, glowing green eyes all around her.

Cast out the Shadows

Cast out the Shadows

"No, no..." Catra hissed, trying to keep it together, she was not going to let whatever memories she had of Prime get the best of her right now.

Suddenly a high pitch cackling echoed all around them, causing the group to huddle closer together. Catra had her claws at the ready, prepared for a brawl. With her cat eyes she saw movement, individuals surrounding them. Though the darkness would soon be illuminated as around them, revealing that they seemed to be in some enlarged cave, for all the walls around them were made of rock. In the center of the room a large snake-like throne stood, someone was sitting in it, blue legs spread, and a large staff in one hand. Next to him was a giant purple panther, a bit like Melog but not an alien, and far more menacing.

"Ah...You have awakened, excellent" The individual said as they walked down the stairs, there blue cloak billowing behind them, eyes glowing red from underneath the hood.

Catra held her own, she wasn't gonna cower before this chump. She came face to face with Horde Prime, so whoever captured her now wouldn't even pale in comparison. Not only that she had probably more cred over this guy. She led armies in war, and almost conquered her home. This guy, this was nothing.

"Do you know who I am?" the nasally voice spoke in the darkness.

Catra snickered, "Yeah, I have a guess, you're that Skeleton guy right? The one terrorizing this planet? Can't say I'm that impressed to be honest"

"I believe you mean....Skeletor!" Exiting the shadows Catra could see his Skeletor head underneath the hood, the black void that were his eyes glowing, "Overlord of Evil, and I will continue to terrorize this world until I have conquered every inch of it!"

Catra burst out laughing."Well by the looks of things, you haven't gotten far outside this...whatever this place is? Snake Mountain right? People told me stuff"

"Frivolous Feline!" Skeletor clenched his staff before glaring at Catra angrily.

"Please" Catra smirked, although her eyes were buzzing in agner towards this guy "I've seen people way worse than you, people who would make even you shake".

"Perhaps you need a little bit of persuasion to understand the predicament for which you are in" he looked at the large thugs around her and shouted, "Evil Warriors...Attack!"

"Oh it's on!"

Suddenly everything turned to chaos.

Catra saw the muscle bound morons charge toward her. Just by the way they carried themselves and ran at her, she could tell, they were all brawns no brains. She leapt into the air causing two of the large ones to hit each other face flat. Another one with a large metal jaw and claw tried to grab her but she was too quick. Again uncoordinated, lacking any sort of cohesion. No wonder Skeletor couldn't conquer this planet, he had an army of idiots.

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