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after mikan had explained what izuru asked her and such, it triggered her neo world program memories. she had continued to say how sorry she was over and over again, crying and moaning sadly. hajime and the rest had needed to calm her down, telling her she was alright and that it was despair's fault. izuru was still nowhere to be found. even if hajime was still only a reserve course student, he could do some math.

if izuru had to do a surgery that took out rotting organs and checking old ones to see if they still work, that would take around two, maybe three hours with izuru's intelligence, and they had been with mikan for about an hour, so it had been three to four hours since izuru had went to waken the next comatose victim. again, the survivors weren't stupid. they knew that for the safety of the friends, they needed to be woke right away.

at this rate, all the comatose students would be woken by the time the therapist got there. not everyone was keen on having to go through therapy, but they knew they needed it. hajime didn't even remember lots of the days of despair in keen detail. he remembered bits and pieces but since izuru was moved to another body, he didn't have those memories.

all of the survivors left mikan to rest in the hospital as the rest of the crew went out. they knew they couldn't sit around all day while everyone woke up, and that they needed to work on something at least. "okay guys, we can't sit around." that was am obvious, but hajime continued without interruption. "it's obvious kamukura is over there working on the huts, probably to keep him busy during the 10 hours it takes. but we need to help too. so what we'll do is go in one group as a pair, and one a group of three, and start on one island together and go from there." he said, getting agreements. "so, the group of three will be me, kazuichi, fuyuhiko. and then sonia and akane will go together, getting mikan for help once she is able to."

the group nodded, and all agree to start from the last island to the first, as to stay away from izuru. that wasn't the complete motive, but they were all thinking it. they headed to the fifth island, neither the group nor izuru batted an eye at each other. the group had no idea where makoto was, but chose not to think of it as they got to work. this would be a long day, mostly because not everything they would do would fit into their ultimate. oh well, they at least have to try.


izuru had been continuing to work on the huts, although today was slower than yesterday. he was just normal today, and considering his speed at which he can do things, that was slow. makoto watched from the sidelines, and even asked izuru if he needed help at one point, but izuru blatantly refused to even look at makoto. why? that was a question izuru couldn't answer.

makoto did help though, brining izuru a plate of food from the kitchen. the other didn't come back, which made makoto responsible for giving the five survivors food. he set down the plate for izuru to have, and went back, grabbing a bad and putting easy-to-carry food in the bag, at least thats what izuru assumed he was doing. he made his way past izuru and probably off to the island the others were at.

izuru was trying to continue his work to keep mind occupied. it just wouldn't work. he knew he only have about two hours before he woke up. he sighed, grabbing the food, only to set it down again. he would go, do what he needs with him, and avoid him like he does everyone else. it was obvious to izuru that he would not want to see him anymore. he wouldn't want to talk to him. it hurt, which was not something izuru felt for a while, and it confused him.

he needed a distraction. a two hour distraction. he got up from the pile of wood and other materials. he would go to the market, see if mikan was recovering, and see his time after. he got up to do just that, brushing the dust off of his pants. he wanted to put his hair back. he would miss the feeling of the skinny fingers in his hair, but thats what he thought. he didn't know if he was feeling that or not. he was so confused it was pissing him off. the only want to know these feelings, would be komaeda, whom he was not wanting to see right now.

he sighed as he walked to the gate, opened it, and then closed it, and walked to the market on the same island. there had to be something for hair there. he waked to the market at a seeming slow pace, walked around the market even if he knew where everything was, then at the end got the tie he needed, pulling his hair back. he sighed, gripping his hair once more. it was a habit now, protecting his hair. he couldn't let anything happen to it.

he shook his head, and while on the outside he looked bored, on the inside he was angry. he was angry at his feelings, angry at his lack there of, angry at the stupid people who created him, and just overall angry. he thought of the time, which he realized had 30 minutes of him just in the store pass. it would take him about 24 minutes to get to the hospital, he would spend about 5 minutes there, and then the 24 to get back here, plus an additional 9 minutes to get to the pod room. that would give him 28 additional minutes.

he sighed. he could walk as slow as needed, so thats what he did. he walked slowly to the hospital, causing him to take an additional 8 minutes, which if he walked the same it would leave him 12 additional minutes till he woke up, and then the extra 6 minutes he takes to get to the pod room, so he only has 6 minutes till he wakes. when he was in the pod room, he found that notebook. who was next, to wake, is the question?

he looked around the blue room. well, he could go in order of pods. izuru knew nothing of the game, so that didn't matter, but he did know where there pods lined up. so he would go from the right of the room to the left, obviously skipping the survivor's, miakn's, and nagito's pods. speaking of that pod, that was the one that opened up just as he had looked over the questions he would ask the white haired male.


oh my god this took so long to write i lost all motivation-
uh anyways, here's chapter two!
i'll work on and post chapter three soon.
these will also get longer as we go or there will be lots and lots of chapters.

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