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"Rocky Road will do"

"Two Rocky Roads please," He said while pointing at the ice cream beneath the glass.

Before I could pay for mine, Man handed the money first. I tried to stop him but he held my hand and smiled at me.

"Let me pay...My treat"

It's Wednesday afternoon, and I just finished school. I'm with Emanwel, and we are currently at the mall sitting on a bench, eating ice cream. I'm still in my uniform because I went straight here after dismissal. No- let me rephrase that- I was forced to be here. Man, wearing a checkered polo with jeans, randomly appeared at the school premises and told me that we are going somewhere.

I was with Gret at that time and she was eyeing Man weirdly, but I was able to recognize that she was simping hard on him. Well, she does has a thing for boys with a foreign accent. Man, who got the idea that I don't have a clue what is going on, explained that our families are going to have dinner together at a restaurant.

I said goodbye to Gret and went with Man. I suggested I wanted to go home and change, but then he said it's not necessary. I couldn't force him because I'm not the person behind the wheel.

As we entered the mall, he insisted we buy ice cream first so we did.

"You said dinner?" I told him while he's enjoying his ice cream "It's too early for dinner"

"I know" I heard him crunch on his cone "I thought it would be a perfect time to...talk more like we used to"

I nodded and continue eating my ice cream. No one talked, I'm guessing because we didn't have any topic to talk about. I decided to open up a topic...regarding his family

"So I'm going to see Reen today?" Maureen was Man's little sister she was very close to me. Reen would always tag along with us and I would babysit her.  It makes me think she prefers me over her older brother.

"Maureen is annoying," you can hear the annoyance in his voice "She is a different person now...I mean, mom can't even control her"

"Hmm, It'll pass" I continued eating my ice cream. I could tell his brows furrowed because he stopped eating his ice cream.

"What do you mean It'll pass?"

"Her being all different..." I said with hand gestures "How old is she?"

"She's...13? or 14?"

"That's normal"

"What's normal?"

"Her acting that way" I was already crunching on the cone of my ice cream "That's basically what I felt when I was her age. Actually, everyone passes that phase in their life. It could be the best thing that happened to them or it could be the worst."

"That's just growing up" I could tell he finish eating his ice cream because he was now wiping his mouth using his handkerchief.

"Yah.." That basically sums it up. That phase is called growing up, growing up to be more mature, growing up to be bind with responsibilities. "Do you want to grow up?" I looked at him.

It took him a while to speak but he replied to me with confidence "You could say that. I want to finish school and finally do the things I always wanted to do. I'll have a job, I'll provide the needs I deserve, and...have a family of my own. Don't you think it's amazing?"

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