The Dark Blade

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" Come on Nero , we gotta hurry before it gets dark out." a young girl said as she was looking at the sky as it was slowly getting darker . The young boy looked up at the sky , he smiled and said " We're almost there, I promise it will be worth the visit." he continued to climb up the mountain. The Young girl looked at him and said " We gotta go back now , I heard that the demons have been sighted ." Nero didn't hear her, he continued to climb. " I'm gonna go back !" she said as she started to head back down the mountain. Nero quickly turned around " W-wait, we're almost there I promise and inside there's a safe place too from the demons." he said as he jumped down from the short cliff. Not listening to him, the girl continued making her way down. The young boy clenched his fist and yelled " Fine !" he decided to climb his way back up the mountain .

                                                   ( Short TimeSkip)

After making his way up the Mountain, he arrived at the cave he wanted to show his friend. " See... Told you....not that far away." he said to himself with a slight frown. " Now , let us see if it's still here ?" he says as he enters the cave. Making his way down the Incline from the entrance, it keeps getting darker and darker. " I don't remember it being this dark. It must have gotten dark out.. I hope she made it back in time.." he said in a worried tone. Continuing on making his way down, the boy found a glimmer of light. At the end he smiled and began running toward the light. " Found It !" he yelled. Arriving at the light , the boy smiled at what he found. The moonlight shining through the hole of the Cavern, several trees surrounding the area around a strangle structure. " You're still here." he said as he slowly approached a Sword stabbed into the ground. The boy approached the sword, he placed his hand on the blade and stared into it. No Rust , it still amazes him that this blade was here for who knows how long and it looks brand new fresh off the forge. " Wish I could take you home and show you to her... but I get in trouble with my Family '' the boy said as he retracted his hand from the blade. " Time to go home I guess, they gotta be worried." he said as he began to exit the Cavern. As he was making his way out of the cave, he could see the starry sky outside and feel the cold air of the night. " I gotta hurry and get... " he was stopped by something that caught his attention. " Oh no !" he yelled as he began to make his way down the Mountain. The Village he lived in was in ruins , several buildings all destroyed. He continued to hurry down , not caring about the several branches giving him cuts and scratches. " Please be okay ! Please be Okay ! please be Okay !" he kept saying that as he got closer and closer to the ruins. He could smell blood nearby ... " Demons .... " he said. After what felt like forever for him to arrive he stopped at the entrance of the first house he saw , he entered and inside blood splattered all over the place, limbs thrown all over the place. " Please tell me you got out !" he said as he left and hurried over to his friends home . " Blood !!!!" a voice called out in a demonic tone , Nero slid nearby some rubble. He looks at the direction the voice was coming from " I NEED MORE BLOOD !!" as he looked at the source a demon was standing on top of rubble . It looked female , her skin was grey with several stains of blood on her outfit, razor sharp claws and fangs were bloodied. " He gives me his Blood but I Desire MORE BLOOD !!" it said . (y/n) hiding nearby looked at the pile and noticed the rubble she was standing on was where his friend's house was . " Oh no ..... " The demon quickly glanced over in his Direction. " BLOOD !!" it yelled . Slowly begun to approach him , he stayed quiet behind the rubble hoping the demon would go away.

Sniff Sniff Sniff " I smell yo- " not long the demon's voice was interrupted by a loud bang. he didn't want to look and find the Demon there until " It's Okay young one , you can come out ." this voice was that of a man. Nero looked around the corner and noticed the demon was slowly disintegrating into ashes and behind it was a big man , with spikey black hair carrying a buddha necklace along with a massive Axe and Flail both connected by a chain. " Young man it's dangerous out here , please go find somewhere to hide until I come for you. '' he said as he began to walk towards the rest of the ruined village. Nero Ignored his instructions and went to go through the rubble of his friend's house . " Please be alive !" he said , as he began to move several pieces of rubble. Shortly after, he stopped when he noticed a piece of torn cloth with a blood stain on it , it was a light shade of pink with a small flower pattern on it. " This was hers , she wore something like this today ... " he said , he stared at the cloth as he was slowly losing his mind . Her voices kept going through his mind of their last conversation.

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