Ch. 24

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Charlotte and Connor insisted that Ricky come home with them for dessert.

"Guys, I don't have dessert." she reminded them, "Remember, Connor left the ice cream out and it melted."

"Oh yeah." Connor said with a sad pout.

"It's ok Little Man." Ricky said, ruffling the little boy's hair.

"We can go to the store, right mommy?" Charlotte said, always practical.

"I guess. But we might have to leave Ricky in the car." Nini said.

"Nah, I can handle it." he said, his brown eyes glistening in amusement.

"All right. To Wal-Mart!"

"To Wal-Mart!" Charlotte and Connor yelled.

Eyes followed them where ever they went, and few people approached Ricky, but he politely brushed them off and focused on Charlotte and Connor. Connor was on his shoulders and Charlotte had a tight grip on his hand.

"What kind of ice cream should we get?" she asked, "What do you like Ricky?"

"Chocolate chip cookie dough." he said, and then squeezed Charlotte's hand, "What about you Princess?"

"'nilla." she said.

"Vanilla's good too." he said.

"Connor?" Nini said smiling at the oddness of this situation.

"Chocolate cookie dough." Connor said.

"Your favorite is mint, Con." Charlotte corrected.

"Nuh-uh." Connor said.

Nini thought it was adorable how much Connor wanted to be like Ricky.

"Ok, so vanilla and chocolate chip cookie dough." Nini chuckled, getting the tubs out of the freezer.

"Oh isn't this just adorable."

Nini turned to see EJ and Ellie standing next to them.

"What are you following us now?" Ricky asked, taking Connor off his shoulders, ready to protect the twins if necessary.

"Please, you're not that important." Ellie sneered.

Nini laughed. She knew what a lie that was. Ellie lived for her celebrities and their gossip.

Charlotte hid behind Ricky. She knew the man's voice. But her brother stepped in front of Ricky.

"Who are you?" Connor asked.

"No one important Little Man." Ricky said quickly, "Come on, let's go pick out some candy."

Nini watched EJ seethe as Ricky walked away with the twins, holding their hands.

"He is not their father." he grit out.

"He is more of a father than you'll ever be." Nini said.

Ej stepped right up to her, his face in hers. But she didn't flinch.

"You lost power over me long ago." she said, then shoved him back.

"Everything ok." Ricky had returned, his voice deadly.

"Everything's fine." Nini said, "Am I right EJ?"

EJ looked from his ex-wife to her boyfriend. Now was not the time or place.

"No. No problem."

With that he and his sister walked away.

"Where are the kids?" she asked.

"They are just at the end of the aisle. I told them to wait there until I whistled."

With that, he whistled and two five year olds ran into his arms. He picked them up and twirled them around.

"Shall we go home and eat our dessert?" Nini asked.

"Yes!" the twins shouted.

Two sets of very angry eyes watched them walk away.


They sat together on the couch, sipping some wine. Ricky had sung the twins to sleep again, so they just unwound together.

"I'm very proud of you baby." Ricky said, "I heard what you told EJ. Does this me you know how much you're worth?"

Nini laughed softly.

"Maybe I'm beginning to."

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