Ch. 37

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Ricky ran off the stage panting heavily, having performed two encores. Red was waiting for him with a water bottle.

"Awesome as usual dude." Red complimented as Ricky drank the entire bottle in two gulps.

"Thanks man." Ricky said, clapping his friend on the shoulder, "God, I'm exhausted. Let's get back to the hotel."

They moved to the backstage door when suddenly a woman blocked their path. She appeared to be 17 and was dressed in barely-there clothing.

"Hello Richard." she said in a breathy Australian accent.

"Uh-hello?" Ricky glanced over at Red who shrugged.

"You were incredible." she said, eyes shining.

"Thank you Miss..." Ricky said.

The woman stepped closer. Ricky took a discrete step back.

"My name is Sabrina Carpenter." the woman beamed, "For now."

"For now?" Red asked.

Ricky stifled a groan. He did not want to engage any further than this creepy girl, but Red's natural curiosity got in the way once again.

"Well, soon it will be Sabrina Bowen." she said, reaching out to touch Ricky's face.

"What!" Ricky exclaimed, backing up quickly, "Come on Res, we're out of here."

They hurried out the door to the waiting limo.

"They really need to screen who they let back stage." Ricky grumbled.

He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was in the midst of a wonderful dream when pounding on his hotel door jarred him awake. He cursed. Sometimes Red got genius ideas in the middle of the night and had to share them immediately. The knocks became insistent.

"I'm coming Red, geez." he called out.

He swung open the door when he was suddenly knocked back by the force of a massive hug.

"What the-" he sputtered, shoving the person away.

"What's the matter love?" a female voice said, her arms wrapping around his neck.

Ricky slapped at the wall until he found the light switch. He grimaced when he saw who it was. It was that creepy Sabrina girl. He pushed her away.

"You need to leave before I call the police." he said.

Sabrina pouted, trying to look sexy.

"Oh don't be like that."

"Leave." Ricky pointed out his door.

"But love-"

"I'm not your love." he said sternly, "This is your last chance to leave on your own."

"Is this because of that Nini girl?" Sabrina said, unabashed by Ricky's blatant rejection, "That can be taken care of."

"I'm calling the police." he went over to the phone beside his bed.

He picked it up and turned around. She had vanished. He shivered involuntarily.

What a nut job.


Nini was in the school cafeteria, hurriedly trying to finish the article review she was supposed to have done a week ago. But she came to a complete stop when she heard an announcement on the TV mounted on the wall.

"Ricky Bowen is in the news again and he isn't even in the country." the newscaster said.

Nini felt all eyes on her. She wanted to shout 'seriously' at them, but figured that would just make them stare more. She focused on the television.

"That's right. Ricky Bowen hosted several concerts in Sydney, Australia. But that's not why he's in the news."

"Well get on with it." she snapped, then blushed realizing she had said that aloud.

"A woman was spotted leaving the musician's hotel room late last night. We do not know who the woman is, but we have to ask. What about Nina Salazar-Roberts? We thought she had reformed the once player, but has he fallen back into his old habits? We will just have to see."

The newscaster moved on, but Nini's head was stuck in the statement about the woman being in his hotel room. She shook her head. She trusted Ricky.


Ricky felt like he was going mad. He could swear that he was seeing Sabrina everywhere. She had sent notes, fruits, and flowers. He was so glad to board the plane and head home and see Nini and the twins. Red was grabbing a later flight; he had wanted to film more of Australia.

They were waiting for him at LAX. The twins ran into his arms.

"Hey Little Man! Hey Princess! I missed you!" he said, hugging them tightly.

Nini watched with a small smile. He set the twins down and embraced her. He froze suddenly, something appearing in the corner of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Nini asked, concerned.

"I-uh-nothing. Let's go home." he said.

He glanced around as they headed out of the airport. He could have sworn he saw-. He shook his head.


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