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The first two days of the internship go by without a hitch. The first day consisted of Hizashi showing me around the studio and his house later that day. And the second day we went on a short patrol around the area. It's so different to patrolling at night time with dad, though it's hard to believe that villains attack in broad daylight.

So at the moment it's currently around seven in the evening. I had pretty much stolen Hizashi's couch the first time I stepped in, and hiss at him whenever he tries to sit down.

"But it's my couch!" He complained when I first kicked him off.

"I'll tell dad on you," I had huffed at him, spreading out on the couch.

He had sat down on the floor with his arms and legs crossed, a childish pout on his face.

At least he hasn't tried to sit on the couch again.


"Come on come on let's gooo!!" I huff out, trying to shove Hizashi out the door.

He grins and leans back a bit, making it harder for me to move him, "What's the rush Y/n? It's just patrol,"

I roll my eyes, still trying to shove him, "Uh huh, and patrolling is fun, so let's go!"

His arms dangle by his sides, leaning his full weight back on me and I let out a huff, very tempted to let him fall.

"We have time you know," He hums, "No need to jump straight into action."

"Well I want to, and you wanted me to go out and be social, so I'm going out, let's goooo-" I yelp as he stands up straight again and I fall forward, crashing into his back.

He lets out a laugh and spins around, steadying me by holding my shoulders. I look up at him with a pout on my face,


He rolls his eyes playfully and takes hold of my wrist, leading me out the door,

"Come on then if your so eager, patrol it is."

"Finally-" I tug my wrist out of his grip, walking alongside him down the path and onto the street.

"It's not a busy day today so there shouldn't be much to do, just walking around and making sure everything's safe," Hizashi hums, adjusting his directional speaker slightly as if tuning it.

"Right, but if there is a villain you should definitely let me kick their butt," I grin, swinging my arms back and forth.

"Ah ah, I think I should get to demonstrate what a hero looks like in action."

"Mic, no offence but I do see my dad in action pretty often, plus all you do is scream at people, and if I'm being honest that wouldn't be all fun to watch." I smile mischievously as an offended look crosses the blonde mans face.

"I do not just scream at people!" He folds his arms over his chest, letting out an annoyed huff, "And if you think my quirk is only good for shattering eardrums you are definitely mistaking."

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